
Monday, September 17, 2012

Genre Favourites Blogfest

Alex J Cavanaugh is hosting today’s Genre Favourites Blogfest. To check out the participants click HERE.

Favourite Movie Genre: That would be the pew pew genre. I love the flashy blockbusters with lots of action and lame one-liners. I switch off my brain and have a wonderful time. The Avengers is a great example. My favourite movies of all time however are fantasies: The Princess Bride and Ladyhawk. They are my indulgences.

Favourite Genre in Music: This one varies depending on my mood and why I’m listening to music. If I’m listening while I write then my favourite would be instrumental soundtracks with emotive beats. If I’m listening while doing anything else I think my favourite would have to be Rock, or anything with a strong drumbeat. My occasional guilty pleasure is trance music. I love the energy.

Favourite Genre in Books: No surprises here. While I read a wide range of genres, my favourites are anything speculative—fantasy, science fiction, paranormal, steampunk. If it’s strange and unusual I’ll read it. Occasionally I’ll indulge in reading stories simply for the beauty of the words, something fancy and florally with turns of phrases that make me go, “wow!” However, I do prefer my speculative reading to be written in a non-literary way.

What are your favourite genres?

Thank you to Rita from Thoughts and Musings for the One Lovely Blogger Award!


  1. Great picks! I love rock music, too!

  2. Ha ha, Pew pew genre? That is one defination I have not heard choices!

  3. Oh, I adore The Princess Bride. Must have watched it at least a dozen times.

  4. Yay for Princess Bride and LadyHawke - not only fab films but ever so romantic too!! Take care

  5. Lynda, that's why you rock! Awesome choices. And the Princess Bride is one of the best movies ever.

  6. Hi Lynda, I'm here from the Blogfest. I LOVE The Avengers too, especially Hawkeye!

  7. Can't blame you on the speculative front!

  8. Some great choices. I only recently saw Ladyhawk and I could have kicked myself for not having watched it before. Loved it.

  9. Ooh, I've yet to see the Avengers. Must do that.

  10. Ladyhawk is a classic!

    I'm with you on the book genres.

  11. add all those movies to my list! rrock on!

  12. I loved the avengers! Fav movies are romances.

  13. Trance music??? My, my, aren't you a real devil, Lyndy :)
    Loved LADYHAWK as a kid, especially when the hawk turns into a lady in the end :)

    1. yeah, I know. Trance is an unlikely pick, but the energy of it gets me going.

  14. The Avengers were awesome! I wouldn't have picked you for trance though. Nice to learn some new things :)

  15. Yeah, I'm always going to pick an action movie over a chic flick any day.

  16. The Avengers and The Princess Bride... both show up on my favorite movies list.

  17. oh my gosh... ladyhawke was epic and sad, then epic again!

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  18. Fun fun! I love all kinds of movies. I'll even go see not so great movies just b/c I love being in the theater. :o) yay! As for movie, ditto, but for books, I'm all about the love. Romance-any sub-genre works for me! Fun stuff!!! Now what's trance music??? :o) <3

    1. Trance music is electronic, loud and fast... frenetic probably best describes it. Not for the faint-hearted ;)

  19. I love both The Princess Bride and Ladyhawk. I think my guilty pleasure are the pew pew movies too.

  20. Love the Princess Bride - we quote that movie still to this day!

    I love all types of movies. Same with music from classical to rock and beyond.

    Books, I love historical fiction, but will read other types. I'm open to all genres.

  21. Ha, lovin' the term 'pew pew genre'! Princess Bride is the only movie I've watched more than five times (and let's face it, the actual viewings are up there in the double digits). It even makes a cameo appearance in my WIP.

    I enjoyed reading about your favorite genres,

  22. as far as books go, i tend to enjoy non-fiction a little more dramas in movies and don't hate me--reality tv shows ;)

  23. I was hoping someone would mention 'The Princess Bride.'

    (You have six fingers on your left hand. Someone has been looking for you ...)

    1. I'm hopeless at quoting movies. The first time I tried, I came up with this: "Hello! My names is... Penguin! You killed my igloo. Prepare to die!"

      I couldn't think of the character's name at the time. lol.

  24. Action movies do suck you in and deliver an adrenalin rush for an hour+.

  25. Trance music, huh? Gonna have to check that out. I could use a good trance right about now!

    1. yeah... the only trance you might experience while listening to this kind of music is perhaps one based from shock ;)

  26. I like music with a great drumbeat too.

  27. I'm still giggling a little at the "pew pew"--at first I was like "wait, the stinky kind?" Anyhow, I enjoy a good no-brain-required movie myself! And am completely partial to a good fantasy, speculative, etc., book!

  28. Princess Bride is my favorite movie too!

  29. They should make strange a genre, because I love strange. Lady Hawk is a great movie. Princess Bride still cracks me up.

  30. The Princess Bride is definitely one of my favourites. I forced my niece and nephew to watch it and afterwards they thanked me and watched it over and over again!

    "Aaaaaas youuuuuu wiiiiiiish..."


  31. Pew pew genre. I love it! I'm using that term from now on :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  32. Books and music depend on my mood-- for movies, give me blockbusters all the time!

  33. Pew Pew made me do a double take - LOVE it!! :)

  34. Hi Lynda,

    My favourite genre of book and movie is action - anything that keeps me on the edge of my seat!

    As far as music goes, I realy like classical.

  35. I loved the Avengers and The Princess Bride is one of my favorites too. But I'm with you. I just want to be entertained at the movies.

  36. Oh, yes. The Princess Bride. One of the best movies EVER. :)

  37. I like most of your choices. I totally agree with your choice of books. In fact, I'd say many of the movies I like are based on that type of book.

  38. I've always been a huge fantasy fan, but lately I've rediscovered my love of mysteries.

  39. Rock music? Whoda thunk? :D
    Enjoyed your post.

  40. I don't even know what trance music is, that's how out of it I am. And I finally have The Avengers on my DVD list this week, so I shall indulge in some pew pew guilty pleasure there this weekend. :)

    1. nah, trance is a bit old and a kind of niche market. It started in the 90s and has a frenetic beat.

  41. Your favorite movies are great choices! My kids actually are into Princess Bride right now- there are so many great lines in the movie it's hard to know where to start.

  42. Great choices, especially the pew pew genre! :)

  43. Pardon my ignorance... what on earth is pew pew genre? It's a new one for me...

    1. 'pew pew' the sound of guns. Thus, I like the blockbuster movies where things explode ;)

  44. I, too, listen to instrumental soundtracks with emotive beats while writing. : ) However, it's hard for me to pin down favorite genres in anything. I love variety, and as long as something is done well, I'll probably love it--or at least enjoy it.

  45. The pew pew genre! Ha! I like it too. :) Great list!

  46. I like that - the pew pew genre! The Avengers was a great movie. I really enjoyed that one.

  47. The Princess Bride is popping up all over this blogfest! I love it too!

  48. LADYHAWKE. Can I tell you how much you're my favorite person right now? :D

  49. Such great selections, and I like the "pew pew" genre too!

  50. Pew pew genre? That's a new one to me.

  51. I love reading books with beautiful prose. They're wonderful to linger on. :)

  52. I'm more of a rock girl too when it comes to music, and yet I also LOVE some trance music - I find it really inspiring actually.

  53. You have very great taste. I agree, the music will have to depend on my mood. Great choices!


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