
Thursday, August 23, 2012

#MakeBelieve Sneak Peek

I have an unusual treat for you today--a short excerpt from my story, Birthright, which will be published by J. Taylor Publishing in the Make Believe anthology in December. Please enjoy.

The excerpt:
Palms rustled overhead as Mrs. Tinder shouldered open the rickety door of Christa’s new home.

“Here we are,” the landlady said. The dark space breathed Florida’s hot air. “It’s not usually so humid here in December, but never you mind about the unseasonal heat, dear. As soon as the air-conditioning kicks in she’ll be right as rain.” Mrs. Tinder toddled over to a control panel on the wall and pressed a few buttons. A hum emanated from the walls, the lights blinked on, and the air stirred.

Busying herself around the single room cabin, Mrs. Tinder spread the drapes, straightened the cushions and opened and closed the fridge. She turned her sharp gaze on Christa. “You have family in town?”

Christa gave her a tight smile. “No, I don’t.”

“Friends, perhaps?”

She shook her head.

Mrs. Tinder’s wrinkles deepened into a frown. “You’ll be alone over Christmas?” Her pinched lips broadcast her true thoughts. No one should be alone over Christmas. It’s not right. It’s not natural.

Christa’s smile wavered. “I’ll have plenty to keep me busy.” She tapped her camera case, still hanging from one shoulder.

“Ah, a photographer.” The woman’s nod turned to a slow shake.

Christa didn’t need pity, and she didn’t need more invitations to join random family gatherings, either. To prevent further discussion, she asked, “Are there any galleries in town? Or museums?”

The woman’s face didn’t brighten. “No galleries. There’s one museum. A shack run by a man named Jack.” She grunted. “But you don’t want to go there. His displays are a load of balderdash, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Balderdash?” Christa asked in mock surprise. “A mighty strong word.”

Looking like a school principal about to pass judgment on a wayward child, Mrs. Tinder perched on a kitchen stool and leaned on the counter.

Christa regretted the tease, realizing the woman had taken it for an invitation to continue.

“Apologies for my language, dear.” Reprimand laced Mrs. Tinder’s tone. After a pause of awkward silence, she sniffed. “Mr. Jack fancies himself the town historian, but he wouldn’t know history if he fell into a dung pile of it. He snoops into family lore, delves into lost legends, and makes up stories when he can’t find nothing of no interest. Mark me, all of it’s nonsense.”

Christa nodded, though she didn’t understand at all.

“Don’t get me wrong. Jack’s a lovely boy, but he’s strayed from the path.” Mrs. Tinder peered at Christa with an appraising eye. “Perhaps a woman like you would do a young man like Jack some good.”

Christa stiffened. Matchmaking was one of the many reasons she’d left New York for the holiday season. She hadn’t expected to find it in a small town in Florida, as well.


If you haven't done so already, I'd love it if you popped on over to Goodreads and put Make Believe on your to-read list.



  1. She wanted a museum and Mrs. Tinder was all set to hook her up with a date! And humid in Florida in December? I believe it.
    Great excerpt, Lynda!!

  2. Really good, Lynda. Can't wait to read the rest. I'm curious about 'the path' Jack strayed from. Was that some foreshadowing? My parents winter in Florida, so I know it can be hot and humid in december.

    1. I can't say about the foreshadowing ... maybe ... maybe not ;)

  3. Very cool! And yes, sometimes Florida is humid in December. I've lived here since I was four years old.

    Hugs and chocolate and congrats,

    Sir Poops and Hair Ball will paying you a visit.

  4. Some great dialogue! And nice hook with the promise of possible romance ahead. ;)

  5. Christa is one independent woman! Good for her!! Jack in his shack? Yay! Take care

  6. Silly Christa, no matter where you go, busy-bodies will ALWAYS be trying to "match make" you up with the first breathing male.

    Safe to say I enjoyed this and want to read more!

  7. What a great start! It really grabbed my interest. :)

  8. totes awesome excerpt, anthobuddy! Nicely written, my curiosity is so piqued! I can hardly wait to read it in its entirety. :D

  9. Love it!! :) Looking forward to reading the whole thing :)

  10. Intriguing excerpt, thanks for sharing Lynda! Looking forward to reading more.


  11. You set the scene beautifully. I felt I was there. Thanks for sharing!

  12. "“Balderdash?” Christa asked in mock surprise. “A mighty strong word.”" Too funny. I can just envision this scene!

  13. Matchmakers are everywhere, Christa, dear -- even in them there swamps of Florida!

    Lynzich, finish up SM, already! Girl wants more. :) :)

    1. lol, Suzaroony, it's coming. Not fast, but it's coming ;)

  14. Hi Lynda. I love Mrs Tinder's voice. You've nailed her. Intriguing story. Can't wait to see what happens! Thanks for sharing. Not 'balderdash' at all, lol!
    I've added it to my To Read list...

  15. Oh, there's a real story waiting here. Yummy!

  16. Love the excerpt. Will head over to Goodreads as soon as I can.
    Nice to meet you!
    Tina @ Life is Good

  17. Interesting snippet. Christa obviously prefers to be left alone.

  18. I wish I could write like you!

  19. I really like the cover art. Stark and simple.

    Wrote By Rote

  20. Great excerpt... I want more....:) Well done.

  21. Hey fellow antho buddy! I really, really loved this snippet! Can't wait to read the rest.

  22. Very strong dialogue there. Great! I was struck by the line: "The dark space breathed Florida's hot air." Very evocative and made the house seem like a character. :)

  23. Hmm, not sure it's my cup of tea, but I'll def tell my wife to check it out:)

  24. That's a great excerpt! I love the sense of atmosphere it sets up--the heat, dilapidated house, small-town opinions.

  25. Love this! The interaction between the two characters is fabulous. Good luck with the anthology!

  26. A great excerpt! I chuckled at "he wouldn't know history if he fell into a dung pile of it." Now I'm curious to meet that Jack.

  27. Ooh, this is good. I'm curious to find out what happens.
    And I love the cover!

  28. Good excerpt! Mrs. Tinder (great name) sure is a vivid character. I could picture her easily. :-)

  29. I can't wait to read the whole thing.

  30. Exciting! Can't wait to buy the book.

  31. I love the character of Mrs. Tinder. She sounds like a chatterbox, match-maker and do-gooder rolled into one. Hopefully, I will get to read the story.

  32. I love the cover and the conversation has a life of its own, strong and opinionated. Makes one curious enough to want more.

  33. Fantastic excerpt! Such great dialogue. I'm looking forward to reading MAKE BELIEVE.

  34. Great excerpt! I want to read the story, and I love your dialogue. I want to know more about that path, Jack, and if it was really safe to tell the landlady that she's alone . . .that line of conversation might freak me out a bit.

  35. How exciting Lynda. I enjoyed your execrpt. Make Believe sounds like an interesting collection.

  36. Strong voices in this passage. I wonder where this Christmas visit is going to take her...

  37. I think Christa would be great for Jack!

  38. Jack sounds um, interesting to say the least.

  39. They sound like real people in a real setting. Nicely done!

  40. Lovely ezxcerpt, Lynda. The collection sounds intriguing... The cover is very enticing too!

  41. "Mrs. Tinder toddled..." :-) I love the excerpt, Lynda!

  42. I like it! And how exciting it's coming out so soon!!! :)

  43. Mrs. Tinder is quite a character.

    Great excerpt.

  44. Poor Christa, hadn't expected matchmaking in a small town, well she's in for a surprise then! Great work Lynda.

  45. I loved reading this excerpt and would love to read the whole story!

    All the best!

  46. Nice excerpt of course. :) I bet you can't wait until December! How exciting. :D

  47. comment didn't show up. I'll try again. Nice excerpt Lyn, of course! I bet you can't wait until December. Exciting stuff! :)

    1. yep, I have my comments set to moderation after a few days--just so I won't miss any comments on older posts.

      And yes, I can't wait! :)

    (see: )

    Ok it's on my to-read list. I expect a reminder here when it's officially released, though! The teasers are killing me!


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