
Friday, August 3, 2012

Character Spotlight: Kurt Lancer

Fact File:

Name: Kurt Michael Lancer
Age: 33
D.O.B.: February 2nd
Likes: Bruce Lee, martial arts, Chinese food
Dislikes: Gang culture, social prejudices, benefits fraudsters, religious fanatics, hospitals

Bio:  Detective Inspector Kurt Lancer is the main protagonist in Oracle. A homicide detective with the Murder Investigation Team of the London Metropolitan Police, he is charged to solve a series of bizarre murders, linked only by an oak leaf left at the scene of each crime.

Six-foot-four and solidly built, Lancer is conscious of how his appearance and stature intimidates people. He compensates by being soft-spoken, and although he practices martial arts, chooses a ‘soft’ style where size and strength does not give him any advantage.

A recent widower, Lancer is a single parent to eight-year-old Meghan, whose progressive disability worries him daily. He also cares for younger brother Reggie, often having to spring him out of trouble.

Lancer throws himself into his job, working long hours to keep his mind off his troubles at home. However, his two worlds come crashing together when someone starts stalking his home—and Meghan.

And the culprit could be closer than he thinks.


With London gearing up to host the Olympics, the city doesn't need a serial killer stalking the streets, but they've got one anyway.

Leaving a trail of brutal and bizarre murders, the police force is no closer to finding the latest psychopath than Detective Inspector Kurt Lancer is in finding a solution for his daughter's disability.

Thrust into the pressure cooker of a high profile case, the struggling single parent is wound tight as he tries to balance care of his own family with the safety of a growing population of potential victims.

One of whom could be his own daughter.

Fingers point in every direction as the public relations nightmare grows, and Lancer's only answer comes in the form of a single oak leaf left at each crime scene. 

Purchase Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble

About the Author:
J.C. Martin is a butt-kicking bookworm: when she isn’t reading or writing, she teaches martial arts and self-defence to adults and children.

After working in pharmaceutical research, then in education as a schoolteacher, she decided to put the following to good use: one, her 2nd degree black belt in Wing Chun kung fu; and two, her overwhelming need to write dark mysteries and gripping thrillers with a psychological slant.

Her short stories have won various prizes and have been published in several anthologies. Oracle is her first novel.

Born and raised in Malaysia, J.C. now lives in south London with her husband and three dogs.

Contact: Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook

Note:  I've read this book and loved every minute of it. JC has a fantastic writing style that brings her stories and characters alive. To see what Kurt looks like, check him out HERE.

Thank you: Thanks to everyone who offered me their condolences, prayers, and well wishes after the recent passing of one of my family members. My aunt will be dearly missed.

Giveaway: Jamie Gibbs of Mithril Wisdom is hosting a giveaway to celebrate 350 followers. Yay, Jamie!! Pop on over HERE and check it out.



  1. I am so enjoying the Olympics at the moment - it's brilliant!! - so the thought of some crazy person ruining it is just too awful to contemplate!!

    Yay for JC Martin!!!!! And Lancer is a dreamboat! Take care

    1. I think he's a dreamboat too! Thanks for commenting!

      And thank you Lynda for posting this despite your aunt's passing!

    2. Any time, JC, I meant it when I said I love your writing.

      And Kitty, yes he is a dreamboat isn't he. Yummo!

  2. Your description of him is great, JC. Very complex and interesting character.

    1. Thanks Alex! Considering I'm planning on a series, I needed a character with longevity. Kurt needed to be interesting enough that readers would want to stick with him for a while.

  3. This sounds like a great story and Lancer sounds hot too!

    JC, congrats on the first novel, it's so exciting!


    1. Thank you Jay! I developed a bit of a crush on him while writing--much to the consternation of the Hubster!

  4. Kurt is very nom nom and me likes all his dislikes!

    1. Thank you Dezmond! When you say you like his dislikes, do you mean you agree with his dislikes, or you actually like the things he dislikes? ;)

    2. Knowing Dezzy, I'd say he means he agrees with Kurt's dislikes.

  5. This sounds like a wonderful book, and I wish JC much success with it. Brilliant timing with its release, too.

    Lynda, my condolences on the loss of your aunt, and thank you so much for your kind words regarding the death of my mother-in-law.

  6. this sounds really interesting and i love the title and cover!

    1. Thank you Lynn! You can find out more about other key characters throughout the tour here (, so hope you stick around!

  7. Lancer is a very interesting, depth-filled character. Nice how the story fits in with the olympic scene in London.
    I wish JC the best in this effort, it is a good read.
    Best regards to you too Lynda.

  8. Lancer sounds super hot. I am eager to read Oracle. The book sounds wonderful.

    1. Rachna, I had a crush on Lancer when I wrote him! Thanks for the kind words.

  9. Wow to the character. He's so interesting. Great post and fun to read.

  10. I've been hearing good things about this book, will have to check it out!

  11. It was great reading about Kurt. J.C.'s book is on my wish list.

  12. This sounds like such an awesome book. Thanks for giving us a few more details on it!

  13. I've got this book on my wishlist too - it sounds awesome! :)

  14. He sounds like an interesting character.

  15. YaY for Oracle! I'm excited for J.C. Martin. I'm watching the Olympics right now, so happy that her book is out in time.

  16. He sounds awesome. I definitely want to read Oracle now. :-D

  17. The book sounds fantabulous!! Definitely my kind of story.

  18. Kurt Lancer is Y.U.M. I got to meet him on my blog. Or rather he'll be visiting my blog shortly.

    nana nana naner!!


  19. I wish J.C. much luck with her new release.

  20. It's a wonderful promotion post, Lynda.

    Congrats and every success to JC Martin.

  21. I can't wait to read it, and luckily for me, it's on the way. Congrats to JC!

  22. I like Kurt. He was an awesome character.

  23. I have been looking for new authors, thanks to your review I've found one.

  24. Sorry to hear about your aunt.

    Your review certainly piqued my interest in reading Oracle.

    Good luck to Ms. Martin!

  25. Great character. I've got to read this one.

  26. Thank you for sharing this, Lynda. Best wishes to JC!

  27. Thanks for the shout out, Lynda! Much appreciated :)

  28. Good review, Lynda. I love mysteries, and especially when they take place in England. Sorry to hear about your aunt passing.

  29. Wow great way to promote a book, god profile :)

  30. This sounds so good. I've seen it on plenty of blogs, but I love character postings.


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