
Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Release: Crux by Julie Reece

I wanted to introduce a new release I'm excited about. Crux, a young adult novel by Julie Reece. It's described as a paranormal romance and I'm looking forward to reading it. Below is a little more about the story:

She should have run. Now, she’ll have to fight.

Eighteen year old Birdie may be homeless, but she’s surviving, that is until a mysterious guy throws money in the air like a crazy game show host and she grabs some with the idea she’ll be able to buy dinner that night.

In that singular moment, unassuming Birdie becomes the girl in everyone’s viewfinder. Thugs want to kill her. Money-guy wants to recruit her. The very hot, very rich and very out of her league Grey Mathews wants to save her.

Birdie, though, wants nothing to do with any of them until she realizes fate didn’t bring them all together.

Her heritage did.

Now, with only twenty-one days left, she’s got to decide whether to follow in the footsteps of those before her or risk her life for people she’s only just met.

Sounds great, doesn't it?

You can find Julie via Twitter, Facebook, and her Website.
You can find her novel via Amazon, Goodreads, and her Publisher.  

Are you excited by this novel? What other great new releases do you want to read?

Congratulations: A huge congrats to Laura Diamond for getting a publishing deal for her young adult paranormal romance, Shifting Pride, with Etopia Press. And, for the acceptance of a short story as well! Happy dance!!



  1. One good thing about my Fiji holiday Lynda is the amount of books I'm getting read, and ready to review as promised. Just downloaded Carole Ann Carr's Wolf, and Carol Kilgore's first novel. This book sounds good. My Kindle will be overflowing.

    1. Yep, I've picked up those as well. Also looking forward to reading them. So many books! It's a great thing :)

  2. All the best to Julie and her gorgeous book!! Yay for Laura! Take care

  3. not my cup of tea, but I know people today like such things for reasons unknown to me ....
    Oh, and there's Ciara in the sidebar, I should visit her....

  4. Sounds awesome! I bet she sells a ton!

  5. Congratulations to both Laura and Julie!

  6. The book sounds interesting. I like the cover artwork.

  7. I love the sound of this book. Its cool.

  8. Sounds like a really fun and interesting read! Definitely going to check it out!

  9. Congrats to Julie! CRUX was such a good read.

  10. that blurb certainly made me want to be up CRUX! I'll be adding that to my already long TBR pile :)

  11. I have read it, and it is AMAZING. One of my favorite books published this year! Giving away and e-book of it this week (7-9 through 7-16)

  12. I don't typically read paranormal romance..but maybe it's time to expand my horizons:)

  13. Lynda (doesn't she spell her name in the coolest way?)

    Thank you so much for featuring my book on your wonderful blog today! :) I really appreciate all of you and the well wishes. To Mrs Readerpants and Cherie, who've already read it, thank you for your encouragement and kind words.

    XOXOXO Julie

    1. Any time, Julie. I really am looking forward to reading this one.

  14. Congrats to Julie! Sounds like an awesome read!

  15. It sounds fast-paced. Congratulations to Julie! :)

  16. It looks like a great read! Thanks for the rec, Lynda!

  17. It sounds like and interesting read - curious what age is considered young adult? Is 13 acceptable?

    1. Hi Elsie, not having read the book yet, I can't be sure. The main character is 18 so there may be some adult themes in the story.

  18. Hmm, a mysterious heritage. Interesting. Congratulations Julie!

  19. Congrats Julie! Whoo Hoo! May you sell millions!

  20. Sounds like a great YA novel, and in my genre, no less. Thanks for the intro, Lynda!

  21. I've heard great things about this book!

  22. Cool!

    That cover gives off an anime kinda vibe.

  23. That does sound great. I love the first line!

  24. Intriguing blurb. I wonder what her heritage is.

  25. Congrats to Julie on her release and Laura on her deal.

    CRUX sounds interesting.

  26. It sounds very cool. And congrats to Laura!

  27. Thank you for letting me know about the work of this new author.

  28. Thanks for the heads up on Julie's new book - it sounds wonderful. Congratulations to Laura - how exciting. Have a good week, Lynda!

  29. Crux sounds great. I'm going to check and see if I can get it on my Nook.

  30. Thanks to everyone who left a comment and who have supported Julie with her book.

  31. Hi! as the author of the cover, I am glad to read reviews about the cover, it´s really interesting. The book itself is wonderful!


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