
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pinterest Social Media Network

Today I have the honour of hosting Meradeth Houston. Her novel, Colors Like Memories, was released on 11th May from MuseItUp Publishing. Take it away, Meredith!

Thanks a million for hosting me here today, I really appreciate it! Before I forget, I have a contest running for my blog tour—all commenter’s are entered into a drawing for two copies of my book, and one person will win a $25 giftcard to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. There are more details on my home blog!

Okay, so today I thought I’d talk about my latest addiction: Pinterest. Have you heard of it? Wow, is it addictive! My sister showed me the site almost a year ago, and we’ve been sharing pins ever since. Lately it has really caught on as a way to market yourself, especially to women.

For those of you who might not have checked it out, Pinterest is an online pin-board. Much like a corkboard where you pin things you want to remember, you can “pin” items from the web onto boards you make and title. You can also look at what other people have pinned based on topic, shopping price range, etc. My personal favorite categories are the Humor and the DIY & Craft section :)

You can also link your account with twitter and facebook (don’t worry, it’s not required), which allows you to follow the pins from people you know. You can also find people to follow based on shared interests.

In terms of using Pinterest as a marketing tool, it’s a great way to share your blog, photos, books you are reading, etc. Do keep in mind that it’s primarily imaged based, though that doesn’t have to limit you if you want to pin something that’s primarily text. I have several boards set up with pictures I’ve found that remind me of my novel, Colors Like Memories. If you decide to create your own boards, be sure to enter a category for the grouping so more people can find them! The main thing is to share not only your own information, but “re-pin” things from other posters (trust me, you’ll want to!).

On my blog I have a button for following me on Pinterest. I’ve also added a button to my browser that allows me to easily pin things I find around the web. These are both simple to do, with all the information here. If you’re interested in checking out Pinterest, you’re welcome to swing by my boards and get a taste of what you can do. Happy Pinning!

A bit about the Colors Like Memories:
Julia has a secret: she killed the guy she loved. It was an accident—sort of.

Julia is a Sary, the soul of a child who died before taking her first breath. Without this 'breath of life' she and others like her must help those on the verge of suicide. It's a job Julia used to enjoy, until the accident that claimed her boyfriend’s life—an accident she knows was her fault. If living with the guilt weren't enough, she's now assigned to help a girl dealing with the loss of her mother, something Julia's not exactly the best role model for. If she can't figure out a way to help her, Julia's going to lose her position in the Sary, something she swore to her boyfriend would never happen.

A bit about Meradeth Houston:
Meradeth’s never been a big fan of talking about herself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about her:
  • She’s a Northern California girl. This generally means she talks too fast and use "like" a lot.
  • When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
  • She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It's her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!
  • If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.



  1. Haven't used Pinterest yet due to a lack of time.

  2. Poor Sary!! What a burden to carry!

    Good luck Meradeth and all the best with your wonderfully titled book "Colors Like Memories"!

    Take care

  3. That sounds a most unusual book - and that's one thing I adore, anything unusual! I also use Pinterest (I'll go and follow your boards in a sec) and I also use it to remind me of inspirational pictures I come across. Good luck with your book!

  4. I've started using Pinterest for the covers of books that I've reviewed. I've read that the vast majority of Pinterest is female, so I might not be using it in the correct way. It looks like a great system though :)

  5. I haven't used it, but several people have told me to look at things on it. There's only so much time and so many distractions. I wish I would have come up with an idea like this when I was doing web development.

  6. Meradeth looks like a real cutie :)

  7. pinterest seems like another fun diversion i dont have time for! but nice to meet Meradeth!

  8. Great information about Pinterest, Lynda. Congratulations to Meradeth!

  9. I've joined Pinterest, Lynda, don't know if it will help with my books, but it is great fun!

  10. 'This generally means she talks too fast and use "like" a lot.'


    Excellent profile, nicely done.

    And Lynnie, love your new(ish) pic. Keep meaning to mention.

    1. Thanks so much. In a couple of weeks I'll do a post on how I got the picture.

  11. I keep thinking about using Pinterest, but I can't seem to find the time . . .yet. Nice profile. Colors Like Memories looks intriguing.

  12. Thanks so much for hosting me today, Lynda! I'm really happy to have you be part of my blog tour!

    1. It's an honour to have you :)
      And it was great being a part of your blog tour

  13. Great to meet you Meradeth. I recently joined Pinterest. I'm not sure I get what I'm doing, but it is fun & doesn't take much time.

    Waving at Lynda.

  14. You explanation of the latest craze is the best I've heard so far. However...TIME...Like several others commenting...I don't have the time.

  15. I am a Pinterest user. After a couple of months it dawned on me to make a board of book covers...including my own! duh!!of books I liked and author friends' books. I also made a board for my WIP Coda to Murder. But not one for my published book, Sunshine Boulevard. Okay, heading over there now for that! And to follow you. Sary is a new word to me...interesting. Best wishes on your new release from fellow Muser, J Q

  16. Hey, I'm a Northern California gal myself. But like, I never say "like"! Heh heh.

    I must admit, I really don't get Pinterest. I had an invite, but I just can't get into it. I suppose it's the artist/designer in me rebelling against using other people's images. But I also don't get how it relates to promoting one's book. I know, I'm clueless. But really, I just cannot afford the time to devote to yet another online social media outlet. Considering how much I already FB & Tweet (upon order from my pub), if I were to add Pinterest, I'd never actually have the time to write, or, more importantly, to socialize with another human being in person. Enough already! What do you say we go to a Giant's baseball game and have a beer or two? Now that's the kind of socializing I prefer!!

  17. I like exploring Pinterest on occasion, but I don't really think it's the social network for me. Thanks for the information about it, though!

  18. I'm afraid to sign up for Pinterest - I think I'd like it too much :)

  19. I keep seeing Pinterest references everywhere I go! It must be fun. Everyone's talking about it. I'd be afraid of spending my whole day there, though. On the other hand, I can see how pinning things to do with your writing/novel could draw some interest. I'll have to keep an open mind about Pinterest.

  20. I have seen Pinterest talked about a lot around the place, but haven't checked it out yet. I'm a bit scared to, in case I get addicted. But then I did hear one friend say she was addicted for months, then lost interest.

    In other news... got an award for you Lynda:

    1. Thanks so much for the Great Comments Award, Trisha! :)

  21. I just started using it and I love it. =) Great post.

  22. I'm avoiding Pinrest. I find enough to distract me!

    What a beautiful title. Good luck with the book, Meradeth.

  23. Everyone seems to be talking about Pinterest. I have just had a look at it but not tried it. Meradeth's book sounds great. I like the premise a lot. Wishing Meradeth a lot of publishing success.

  24. Yes... I am totally addicted to pinterest... am going to follow you now:)

  25. I use Pinterest and it's a lot of fun.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, Meradeth.

  26. Hi Lynda and Meradeth!

    Wow! I'm hooked on the premise of Colors Like Memories. Thanks for sharing about it and for the giveaway!

  27. Great explanation. I haven't joined pinterest because I'm scared I'll waist more time there.

  28. I've heard so much about Pinterest but haven't tried it yet. I spend way too much time on social media as it is, so I guess I've been avoiding it. It's very popular, though!

  29. Wonderful title "Memories Like Colors" seems ineresante, especially paramilitary that I am passionate about color and feeling.

  30. I really am holding off from joining Pinterest. It is calling out my name on a daily basis, so am not sure how much longer I will resist.

  31. I also love Pinterest! It's so fun and addictive. But, I'd never thought of it as a way to market myself as a writer. Thanks for the insight! I'll have to keep this in mind, for when the time comes. Your book sounds fabulous! Thanks for sharing.

  32. I also love Pinterest. It's so fun and addictive! I'd never thought about using it for marketing, though. Nice idea! I'll be sure to use it when the time comes. Thanks for sharing! And your book sounds fabulous! Congrats!


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