
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


In all my travels I’ve visited many wonderful vineyards. Near Sydney we have the Hunter Valley which is famous for its full-bodied Shirazes. Near Melbourne we have the Yarra Valley which, among a wide variety of wines, offers wonderful Pinot Noirs. Near Adelaide we have the Barossa Valley which has some delicious Cabernet Sauvignons.

I took the first photo at the Barossa, South Australia. I took the second photo in the Mudgee region which is situated about four hours inland from Sydney, New South Wales. The different seasons are evident.


Do you have any vineyards near you? Have you ever gone wine tasting? If you like wine, what’s your favourite drop?

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy.



  1. Here in the Bay Area, many locals like to go to Napa/Sonoma for wine tasting outings. Years ago, I took a wine tasting class and it was a fun and educational experience.

  2. There's certainly a difference between those photos. I've not gone wine tasting, but I like a bit of rose (don't know how to do the accent on here). Some think it's pretentious, but I reckon it's like getting a little bit of red and white at the same time!

  3. I'm a big fan of shiraz. I don't think New York and New England on the east coast of the US is known for their wine. It's more of a west coast climate. But when I attended college, a vineyard was along the way. Your picture reminds me of it.

  4. Anything alcoholic is fine by me!

    Take care

  5. The second shot is definitely late fall or winter.
    We have quite a few vineyards in the area and we go wine tasting once or twice a year. I like the old standard - white Zinfandel.

    1. Oh yes, I first discovered the White Zinfandel at the Napa Valley. It's not so easy to get in Australia though.

    2. They offered us plenty of Zinfandel in Margaret River Lynda. Look out for it. D.

    3. I found it once in Sydney and bought a case, but I haven't been able to find it again.

  6. We have a few vineyards here on Cape Cod, and I love to visit for festivals... but the wine isn't really my favorite ;-)

  7. Got my favourite Curly Shiraz when visiting Big Hill winery in Bendigo. They do make for pretty landscapes.

  8. My last holiday was to the Margaret River Winerys. Boy was that fun with 120 Winerys in the Cape region. Didn't make it through them all, lol, but did pretty good. My favourite drop from over there was the Evans & Tate pink sparkling moscato. Heavenly. I'm a champagne girl always.


  9. I love your writing posts. Your A-Z posts have been amazing, all of them.

  10. I live in wine country out here! So many to choose from. I like to go to one out in Defiance, MO. Just gorgeous!

  11. I never would have thought we had the climate for it, but the southwestern mountains of Colorado have turned into wine country. Several vineyards have sprung up and are doing well. I visited about two years ago. Love a good pinot noir.

  12. Some of my favorite places to visit are the vineyards that cover our nation.

  13. I live near the Niagara Escarpment and they have many wineries and vineyards there. I used to drink ice wine, but now I can't have any alcohol due to severe migraines. It's like I've been cursed.

    1. oh my gosh! That must be horrible! It's better than migraines, I guess :(

  14. my Vojvodina is famous for vineyards and wine. But I'm not a wine drinker, I don't get wine, beer and coffee :)

    1. Yeah, I don't get beer or coffee either. Wine was an acquired taste over time.

  15. Lynda,
    We actually do have vineyards close to us where they have wine tasting facilities but I guess I just take them for granted and don't frequent that I think about it!
    Great "V" word...

  16. We live within a few hours of some vineyards. I like a dry red.

  17. My friend just got married at a vineyard in Virginia. It was beautiful!

  18. Great pics as usual! Oregon has a TON of vineyards, let me tell you. Up and down the Willamette Valley where I live, it's perfect temperature and climate for vineyards, apparently. :)

  19. I did wine tasting once, on a cruise ship. We were sitting in dock. This cruise was my hubby's and my honeymoon. The wine tasting was fun, but once the ship got underway I wasn't feeling too good by dinnertime. It probably didn't help that my eyes kept getting drawn to the porthole where I could see the waves going up and down. Not a great first night. : )

    1. oh no! I'll be heading off on a cruise soon. Hopefully I won't get seasick.

  20. Hello, Lynda! Your photos are beautiful. I've never gone wine tasting but it sounds fun and tasty!

    Have a lovely week and happy A to Z!!

  21. I really like a variety of wine. I can drink a chianti or a pinot grigio. It just depends on my mood or the food. We do have a small winery near us, but it is not common in the midwest USA.

    Play off the Page

  22. Beautiful. I don't have any close to me but I have been to some in California.

  23. I used to live among the vineyards when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, where most of the world's chardonnay is grown. It was beautiful, and I miss it!

  24. I've never been to a vineyard, and there aren't any near where we live. I would like to tour one sometimes, maybe when we visit the west coast next time. :)

  25. No vineyards close to me now. In Wisconsin, it was always fun to take a drive up to Door County for apple and cherry wine. Port is my choice for a nip at home, white Zin when out. Theme: A World of Crime

  26. Gosh. That sounds so romantic. We don't have many vineyards in the UK and there are most definitely none near Leicester. We've got fields of cabbages but that's nowhere near as romantic.

  27. I'm not really much of a wine drinker, but my wife loves the stuff. And on our honeymoon in New York's wine country, I actually found some reds I enjoyed. (I'm a white guy in more ways than one.)

  28. Yummo, I love wine.. We are near tambourine mountain ...loads of wineries. I went wine tasting with my friends last month. Many of the wineries have vineyards over the boarder, not the best climate to grow grapes here.

  29. Wonderful post. One year, as a mission ;-) I set out to taste different kinds of wine at home. Each night, my husband and I walked up the lane to watch the sunset. I carried a basket with the wine bottles, the corkscrew, and two wine glasses --unless we had company to watch the sunset with us. My husband carried the folding chairs; we made an evening out of it. It was quite relaxing. I learned that summer that I don't really like wines--with the exception of asti. I can't distinguish "notes", lol... and that "shiraz" wine is most likely called that because the people who took the syrah grape from France to grow in vineyards in Australia--mispronounced the name, calling it shiraz. I have not researched that. But I did read it on a magazine published by our "State store" system in Pennsylvania, USA. Yes...the government and State Liquor Control Board control all such things here. :-)

    And...right now, I have a bottle of Yellow Tail on my wine rack. I think that might come from your neck of the woods ;-)

    Interesting post. :-) Thanks for the memory prompt. :-)

    1. Yep, it wouldn't surprise me if us Aussies mispronounced the french word. I blame our ocker accent ;) I've heard shiraz pronounced so many different ways here too. In the snootier places I've heard it pronounced, shirah. Now I know why!

  30. I live in California, so we have an amazing number of vineyards here. I've only been to a few, but I sure do like wine...

  31. My favorite vineyard is in Tuscany, near Montalcino. The author Ferenc Mate and his wife run it. He wrote a book about it. We got to visit a couple of years ago and taste their award-winning Brunello.

  32. Oh, wow. The contrast is extraordinary.


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