
Thursday, April 5, 2012

In Case of Emergency

I took this photo on the James Craig, a tall ship in Sydney Harbour. I thought it was cool. I'd love to one day sail on one of these ships and learn some of the ropes.
Have you ever set foot on one of the old ships?

Note: This post was prescheduled for the A-Z Challenge. I will be away over the Easter break so I won't be able to do my usual blog visits. I promise when I get back to visit everyone who leaves a comment. Please have a wonderful and safe Easter.



  1. I've been down to the Star of India here in San Diego once years ago. As I recall, everything was too short for comfort.

  2. Awww love the polished and shiny wooden thingy where the buckets are!!!

    Take care

  3. I went into an old submarine on Lake Erie in Cleveland. I was feeling a little claustrophobic.

  4. Yes, and the ships are much smaller than I had imagined.

  5. Been on old military ships, but not a schooner. Have a blessed Easter, Lynda!

  6. I've only been on old military ships and submarines, but they were very neat! I'd love to climb aboard one of the big gunners from the Napoleonic era.

  7. oh, it's Easter? Gotta throw me an Easter design then at HOLLYWOOD SPY :)
    Hope you will have nice holidays!

  8. Actually I have. The Danmark, a Danish tall ship, used to visit the Virgin Islands regularly and I got to visit the ship. Beautiful.

  9. have a great easter break! i hope you come back all rejuvenated and revived! :)

  10. How do those buckets stay full on a moving ship? I haven't really been on an old ship but it would be cool.

  11. I hope you have a wonderful and safe Easter, too, Lynnie. And I love that pic.

  12. Have a wonderful and safe Easter, Lyn. Hugs.

  13. That's a cute picture. I have stepped onto old ships, but don't ask me to name any!

  14. There's an old (schooner) ship permanently moored in San Francisco. I visited that one when I was a teenager. I love to sail myself. I used to race Lasers (a one masted sloop) when I was in Sea Scouts. My first officer taught me to sail by taking me out on a Sunfish then jumping off, leaving me all alone out on the Bay! Scary, but fun!! I'd love to learn how to sail a ketch one day. Maybe sail around the Caribbean!

  15. I've never been on one of the old ships. The fire systems have changed a lot. Have a wonderful Easter.

  16. Speaking of learning some of the ropes... In an old one-story schoolhouse in Idaho I took a picture of sign that said, "In case of fire, use rope." Buckets sound like a better bet.

  17. The tall ships are amazing! it would be amazing to do a trip on one! :)

  18. I was on the Mayflower replica long ago. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  19. I spend a week on a tall ship, sailing around an island in Scotland. It was amazing, though really hard work. Still. I got to jump off the side of the ship and into the sea at one point :)

    Jamie Gibbs
    Fellow A-Z buddy
    Mithril Wisdom


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