
Monday, April 2, 2012


Australia is known for its white sandy beaches, but as you’ll see not all are like that. I particularly love the rocks. I have a gazillion beach shots. It was difficult to pick only a few. Enjoy.

For more inspiration on the sights, smells, tastes etc of the beach, go here to the Bookshelf Muse. 

Note: For the month of April during the A-Z Challenge I am pausing from my usual blogging theme of writing and social media tips. Instead I hope to share with you my photography. Much of it is inspired by the fabulous and helpful site, The Bookshelf Muse. Please check it out and enjoy. 

Bonus shot: my father took this one of me a long time ago.

What do you like and dislike about the beach?



  1. Love those beaches!

    Look forward to your challenge posts...

    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. Beautiful pictures, a cross between the beaches along Lake Michigan on the Wisconsin side, and the beaches here in Hawaii. I look forward to more of your pictures this month. Theme: A World of Crime

  3. I especially like the shot of the waves crashing.

  4. So beautiful! I love looking at the sea!

  5. Oh, I love beaches. I've always lived on the east coast. I can't imagine not living near water.

  6. There's a lot about the ocean in my current WIP, thanks for the pictures.

  7. Loved this post! Rally took me away. I think I love the sounds at the beach the most. From crashing waves (or smooth seas), to seagulls, kids playing, winds howling.....

  8. Awesome photos! Very professional. Thanks for sharing them, Lynda!

  9. Hi Lynda, I was trying to work out which beaches these photos were taken from. At a guess I would say possibly Woolongong or one of the beaches just north of Sydney?
    Just love the beach!
    One day I might post some pics of the beaches of the Sunshine Coast for your enjoyment! Thankk you for sharing!


    1. The bottom three were taken at Cronulla (Sydney's south) and the top one was taken at Sans Souci, which forms part of Botany Bay.

  10. Amazing! I really want to visit one day, and those photos make me want to go all the more!

    Jamie Gibbs
    Fellow A-Z Buddy
    Mithril Wisdom

  11. Those are gorgeous photos! Beaches lend themselves so well to so many types of stories :)

  12. Hi, Lynda! Great post! I was born and raised in South Mississippi--Long Beach, to be exact--where exists the longest man made beach. Funny enough, I never gave much thought to the fact that I lived so close to the shore. That is, until I moved to upper Louisiana. Now, I miss it like crazy! :)

  13. Awww look at you buried in the sand! Awwwww!!!

    Wow - to live by the beach - beautiful! Take care

  14. Those pictures look like a scene out of a movie. Those beaches are gorgeous!

  15. Oh, are you KIDDING me? These photos are drop dead gorgeous and how lucky are you to live in what looks like heaven on earth? Wow and double wow!
    And Happy A to Z!

  16. I haven't been on a beach for more than 26 years :) Weird for you, but not for me, since I live in the middle of the continent :)

    1. yeah, that is weird ;)
      I grew up near the beach. I love the ocean.

  17. A top bunch of photos there Lynda, you do have some stunning beaches there. Not that I an jealous at all !!!
    Keep up the good work on this challenge.
    Valleys ShutterBug

  18. OH, you were so cute! Love it. Those beach scenes are fantastic.

  19. Hi Lynda, Your photos are beautiful! I would love someday to see the Australian beaches. We loved the beaches in Fl when we lived there and spent long days sitting with our books and watching the waves:)

  20. This was great Lynda. Love me my Aussie beaches. We have a few spectacular ones in Queensland. Love the photos. I just may snatch that one of you at the beach (with your permission of course.)


  21. Your pictures are so gorgeous! I especially love the first one.

    However, I am not a beach person. Can't stand the feeling of sand and I'm terrified of almost anything that lives in the ocean. It's a shame, because I'm sure it's a lovely place to vacation.

    1. oh for sure. I'm not a fan of the sand either or of swimming in the ocean, but I love watching the waves, I love the shifting colours and moods of the waters and I love just watching the beach-goers.

  22. The photos are fabulous. I love the beach, the ocean, the smells, the sand, the salt, the shells, snorkeling, fish, swimming. All of it.

  23. Is that you in the sand, Lynnie?

    1. yes indeedy. My dad loved his B&W photography but forgot to develop the roll this picture was on until I was in my teens. It was a great discovery.

  24. I love the stormy beach shot. Beautiful.

  25. I am envious, Lynda. We don't have a beach in Bangalore (where I live.)

  26. The Bookshelf Muse is amazing - I often visit it for inspiration. I'm looking out at the ocean too - but I'm on the other side of the world to you. Portugal :-)

  27. I love the beach!

    I don't live near an ocean, but I do live near one of the Great Lakes. We have awesome beaches and beautiful, state protected, sand dunes on the southern tip of Lake Michigan.

    I love the Atlantic Ocean beaches on our east coast.

    Lovely pictures.

  28. Beautiful pictures, Lynda. Love the beach - don't love having to be all covered up with clothing or gooey sunscreen to avoid burns.

  29. Those pictures are wonderful. It's been so long since I've been to a beach, but none of them were beautiful like the ones you've shared.


  30. Really beautiful. I haven't been to the beach since we moved further inland. Hope to get there soon. I do love water.

  31. The pics are beautiful!
    I love everything about the beach, except for the sand that gets in between your toes, onto your hotdog, and penetrates other hard-to-get-to places...

  32. I am not a beach person, but the photos had me hooked.

  33. australia is on my bucket list
    thanks for the teaser pics!

  34. How beautiful.
    If you hadn't told me, I never would have realised that last one was a beach scene!

  35. Love the pics! It will be fun to follow your A-Z photos this month. I'm working through the alphabet with women of the Bible.

    Merrie ~ Livin' Out Loud 4 Jesus

  36. Thanks for sharing the great photos, including the bonus shot!

  37. Beautiful photos! Love them!

    Happy Monday!

    My A-Z

  38. I love that photo of you as a little girl - that's precious!

  39. Didn't know Australia was famous for its beaches. You live and you learn. These are gorgeous pics!

  40. Beautiful photos, Lynda but I love the one of little Lynda half buried!

  41. Those 'rocks' look like erns to me. lol

    I love the beach and have spent many years of my life wading in shallow waters and taking in the unique aroma of surf and sand.

    By the way, Linda, why did your dad try to bury you in the sand?

  42. I live near beaches but ours are crowded with people and trash. And sometimes we can't even swim because the bacteria level is too high.

    Yours are pristine and beautiful and I'm jealous!

  43. Beautiful photos! Makes me wish I were there. And the photo of you as a kid is adorable!

  44. Am I too late to the party?!

    I can't think of a single thing that I *don't* like about the beach. The ocean and the sand and the currents and the creatures (especially the sea turtles and their nesting grounds) and cool breezes coming off of the water and late night thunderstorms lighting up the dark sky in the distance and all of the secrets that the ocean holds.

    Okay, so I could do without the sand fleas and the jellyfish... and maybe the sharks... and maybe sunburn.

    We're right in the middle of the country. Such a long drive to the ocean. I've been to beaches all up and down the east coast and down to the gulf shores (lived in Florida for a few years as a kid), and I've traveled up the coast of California and Oregon.

    They're all my favorite for different reasons. So many good memories! Would love to see the coastline of Australia! You are so adorable, Lynda! I imagine it took lots of showering to get you clean!


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