
Thursday, March 22, 2012

6 Benefits of Blogging

1. To make real connections. Suze at Analog Breakfast tagged me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I've been following Suze for quite some time now and I think of her as a friend. Her posts range from intriguingly philosophical, to wonderfully random and delightfully silly. Plus she feels comfortable enough to call me Lynnie, which is a win. Please visit her and find out for yourself what a great person she is. 

2. To support each other. Three cheers for Nancy S. Thompson who recently signed a book deal with Sapphire Star Publishing for her debut novel, The Mistaken, an adult psychological thriller. Please pop on over to her blog to congratulate her. 

3. To gain a web presence. I can think of a few bloggers who have gained a spectacular web presence. Alex J. Cavanaugh is a stand out. Arlee Bird, the founder of the A-Z Challenge is another. Are you taking the challenge? 

4. To hone the writing skills. Blogging may not be fiction writing, but I'm a firm believer that all writing benefits the writer. In just under two years I've written 250 posts on writing and social media. Those posts have helped to clarify my thoughts, improved my proofreading skills and pushed me to do better. Other great bloggers who offer fab posts related to writing are Carol Riggs at Artzicarol Ramblings, Rachna at Rachna's Scriptorium and Angela Ackerman at The Bookshelf Muse. 

5. To gain opportunities. All my critique partners have been found through blogging. The last two anthologies I successfully sent stories to were found through blogging also. I recently picked up the arc of A Spy Like Me by Laura Pauling because of blogging. I've just started reading it and it's great. I also won a copy of the Australian novel, Ellenvale Gold by Amanda Deed via Michelle Dennis Evans. Thank you so much. Plus there are many more opportunities that crop up through blogging.

6. To meet new friends & just relax. I don't know about you but I love visiting some sites which have nothing to do with writing. I might not have found them if I weren't blogging in the first place. They are fun, informative and often bring a smile to my face. A special blogger I want to mention here is Dezzy at Hollywood Spy whose site keeps me up to date on all the happenings in the film world. 

What benefits have you found through blogging?

NOTE: In preparation for the A-Z Challenge I will be taking next week off from blogging. I will return on April 1st when I will be posting six days a week.



  1. thanks for the linky dinky, my dear :)
    Posting six days a week, sure you can handle it, sister? :P Sure your hubs can handle it? :)

    1. speaking of fun and putting smile on people's faces, I have a naked stud today at my place for all the ladies who will comment bellow me and will come over to take a peek :)) I know you will...

    2. I liked the image of Idris Elba better in your previous post. Oh noes! Johnny has competition! ;)

      And yeah, posting 6 days will be a challenge. Fun, but a challenge. Hubby will soothe my nerves by giving me foot rubs so it's all worth it ;)

  2. Thank you so much, Lynda! Just glad I didn't burn up the Internet a few weeks ago. No one would forgive me.
    Those are all great benefits. You mentioned several awesome people and still really excited for Nancy. She is really special.

  3. Great points, Lynda! You're completelly right. I've learned so much from blogging - there are tons of benefits! :)

  4. You have written what I would have--mostly for me it is for the awesome relationships I've found, including my critique partners and I've learned so much about the publication journey through other bloggers. Even though I don't blog as much anymore,I enjoy reading others' posts like yours!

  5. I love the relationships too! Invaluable. If I couldn't interact, I wouldn't like it as much (I'd get bored with hearing just myself)! I'm not doing the A-Z though--whoa, lotsa work.

    Awww, you mentioned me! You're a sweetie. :D

  6. I learn so much through blogging, and I have made some very good friends. The blogging community never fails to astound me. It's a wealth of knowledge, opportunity, support, and writers.

  7. Great list, Lynda! I completely agree. :)

  8. OMG it is NEARLY time for the A-Z. So much for my plans to be all prepared with drafted posts ready to go.

    Love this post, it reminds me why I love embracing the bloggy world :)

    1. yeah... I had those plans too. I think the mice got to them ;)

  9. I would never have found all these great writing competitions and submission opportunities if it hadn't been for very generous bloggie friends adverstising them! Nor would I never have found a lovely supportive community who understands my kitty obsession! LOL! Yay! Take care

  10. These are the reasons I blog. I care less about blog posting and more about the connections and friends I've made. Great post.

  11. thanks for reaffirming this new fave pasttime!

  12. Excellent benefits! Not sure if I can do the A-Z now, as much as I'd love to. There's always next year! :)

  13. Awesome list! I've experienced all those things from blogging.

  14. Blogging has been a wonderful experience for me. I've learned a lot about the world and myself, and have met a lot of people who have truly bridged a gap with their incisive intelligence and differing perspectives -- good for stretching paradigms and keeping them flexible.

    I'm so glad to name you among them, Lynnie.

    1. I love that you push my poor brain into areas more interesting than, say, solitaire or sudoku--which is where my brain inevitably goes when the editing is a struggle ;)

  15. Blogging has also helped me clarify some goals and boosted my writing confidence. And I've met the best people because of blogging. ;)

    Enjoy your break and rest up. We're going to need our blogging strength to get through the A to Z!

  16. Yes, I am participating in the A-Z challenge.

    Your six reasons for blogging are all very reasonable and spot-on. I have occasioned to meet some great people on here.

    As for Lynnie, I suppose that is considerably better than what a man might use as a nickname, notably, the Lynster. lol


    Hey, it's the mighty Lynster, writer extraordinaire!

    Blog on.

    1. You comment made me laugh aloud. I've actually been called the Lynster in the past (among other things). Writer extraordinaire, not so much ;)

  17. This post should be shared with all of the people who make fun of blogging and don't see its value! I was initially drawn to blogging because of the community aspect. I wanted to reach out and to be someone people could reach out too, specifically those who identified with me, as I was doing personal blogging mostly. Since I started that, I've learned about the other benefits you mentioned. Now being a blogger is part of my identity. And people like you help nurture it.

  18. Wow, blogging six days a week; I can usually only handle writing one blog post a week. One benefit that I've gotten from blogging is that it motivates me to write regularly. Most bloggers post every week (or even every day); I think it requires a certain amount of discipline and dedication. And that can carry over into fiction writing as well.

  19. Opportunities have been a big one for me. Since starting this blog I've gotten to know so many people and it's opened a few doors and given me an insight into the publishing world. What'd I do without you all?

  20. Hi Lynda, thanks for this post. I have developed an online community of friends and my blog has been noticed by a number of hotels here in Kuantan. As a result we've had free stays and are now part of the Vistana Hotel family!

    I am taking part in the A-Z ABC 2012. Looking forward to it immensely!

    Duncan In Kuantan

    1. Dang, I think I picked the wrong subject to write about for my blog ;) But seriously, that's brilliant!

  21. It's helping me to build my online presence, and hone my writing skills, not to mention meeting many great writers who encourage me on my journey. Thanks for your post, Lynda...looking forward to your entries during the A to Z Challenge!

  22. Lynda,

    I am always posting about how beneficial the blogging community is for writers. I have never met more caring, funny, passionate, and giving people in my life. I wouldn't be the writer I am today without them.

    Yes, i am doing the A-Z... EEEK!!!!!

  23. These are my favorite reasons for blogging! I especially love meeting fellow writers online-- and then meeting them in person later! I've made so many connections online that have turned into real life connections, and it's wonderful.

  24. Thanks so much for the links, Lynnie! Can I call you, Lynnie? *g*

    I have learned so much from this community, YOURS included! I can't imagine at this point NOT blogging! Using Google, on the other hand, frustrates me to no end. Ingenious as their tactics may be, I find myself wishing I could just chat with a REAL LIFE BOY/GIRL, rather than being dumped into pages of "helpful advice".

    I do struggle a bit in finding balance between my still growing family and my want/need to write/blog. With Spring having Sprung here in the midwest and illness finally making its way out of our house, I totally screwed up my schedule this week. I can't imagine 6 days a week! That's impressive. Go! Girl! Go!

    1. Yes, of course you can call me Lynnie--just don't call me Linda or Lydia, which I get a lot too ;)

      And yes posting 6 days a week after almost 2 years of blogging is a struggle so I plan on cheating a little. I'll be posting outside my usual theme (maybe) with mini posts (definitely). There'll be an emphasis on photography. At least, that's the plan.

  25. I absolutely agree with you. Blogging has so many things going for it. Not least connecting with people you would never have met or known about otherwise.

  26. I've met some really great people along the way. Most important, I'm always - always learning from other writer/bloggers.

  27. The blogosphere is great. I meet so many interesting people.

  28. It's simple really, I would not be where I am today (not even close) if it were not for blogging. My blogging contacts have taught me innumerable things about craft, the business, and blogging, not mention how they've supported me through some tough times. I've made lifelong friendships that mean more to me than most of my in-person relationships. And I've gained mentors (like you, Lynda) who teach me things I never could have learned anywhere else. While blogging can sometimes be a pain in the ass, and a real chore, I would never stop.

    1. oh, I'd not thought of myself as a mentor before. Thank you. That means a lot to me.

  29. I appreciate the support and network found online. Bloggers introduce me to a lot of fun ideas. Ah, April is right around the corner. I haven't got all my posts ready!

  30. The benefits are those you have mentioned here, plus just plain learning in general.

  31. I love making connections, and then I meet many bloggers at conferences. That's a plus.

    My writing has become better with blogging. My 2-3 posts a week are great writing exercises.

  32. A great list. The main benefit for me has been all the friends I've made, followed by the writing practice. I wouldn't even have attempted flash fiction if it hadn't been for blogging challenges - much less let anyone read the attempts :-)

  33. I love being inspired by others' posts and seeing how everyone goes about what they do. A big part is realising that you're not alone in your writing and making connections with like-minded people. Blogging takes a lot of time, but it's completely worth it.

    1. It does take a lot of time, but l;ike you said, it's completely worth it.

  34. I have met an entire community of awesome writers via blogging. Each and every one has been so helpful and supportive. Lynda, you are actually the catalyst that set me on the road to finding a Crit Partner. After I won a first few pages critique on your blog, you urged me to find a CP. Now I have two. Hugs.

    Thanks for mentioning my blog. I appreciate your support a lot. Are you participating in the A to Z challenge this year?

    1. yep, that's why I'm taking this week off from posting. I need to organise what I'm going to do for the challenge. I'm still no closer...eek

  35. Amen to bloggers supporting each other! I totally visit all those great blog you mentioned:)

  36. Great post. I've met some wonderful people because blogging. It's fun to be able to meet people in different parts of the world through blogging.

  37. Great post and congrats on the award. Initially I was a very shy person so when I started blogging I didn't have a single idea how to share about my own writing. Then I started posting Giveaways and author spotlights- and my blog just ran itself!

  38. All good reasons for blogging, Lynda. The best thing for me is the friends I've made.

  39. I don't blog as much as I used to, last year I felt like it was taking over my writing time.
    I do love reading the inspirational, encouraging, informative and fun blogs though. But I still limit my blog time each day. 30 mins max

    1. Yep, it can take over if you let it. I think putting a limit on your blogging time is a great way to go about it. That way you still get to enjoy all the benefits, but still have time for other things.

  40. you are right on with this post! i think blogging is helping me be a better writer...and the friends are becoming friends!! i pray for them at night and check to make sure they are ok!
    happy week!

    1. yes, exactly. It's a real friendship despite the vast distances.

  41. I like the making friends and supporting each other the best. That's why I'm into blogging. The other stuff is nice too though.

  42. I'm still hoping that blogging will result in groupies flocking to my presence.

    1. darn, I should have added groupies as another blogging benefit! ;)

  43. I have to agree with all those points... each one of them is valid, and the reasons I blog.

  44. I can honestly say every item on your list has happened for me through blogging. And I never expected it! But I've made real connections w/other writers, improved my writing skills through tips from other writers, gotten opportunities (like an agent, for instance), won books...

    The only thing that's changed lately is the relaxing part. Lately it seems the schedule has gotten so busy. But I love my bloggy buddies! Thanks, Lynda! <3

    1. You'll need to do something about that or you'll burn out. Take a mini break, reassess your schedule. That way you can still enjoy your blogging buddies.

  45. amazing connections and challenges and education!

  46. Great points and all the comments above also give insights. We're bloggers from all over the globe yet here we are talking to each other!

  47. Great post which has introduced me to new blogging folk. Love it Lynda... many thanks. X

  48. You make fantastic points. Opportunities will abound the more visual a writer is in the blogging world. And as important are those friendly connection we make. :D

  49. I love Dezzy's site too - always a fun one to visit! Good luck with the A-Z Challenge! I wanted to let you know I tagged you for the Sevens meme over at my blog today - maybe when you recover from April. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Susan. Like you said, it may have to be after the challenge.

  50. What a creative post, full of truth and nicely incorporating some great blogs! I'll see you when the A-Z challenge begins!

  51. Started blogging around a year ago, have loved every minute of it!

  52. I agree!! I have learned so much, met so many wonderful people and had so many opportunities open up because of blogging.

    And wow, when I swung in for a visit, I had no idea I'd see my name in your post. Thank you Lynda! What kind words!!


  53. As usual, you have a very thorough list. I have nothing to add. Thanks to blogging, I have many writer friends and have had a few wonderful opportunities come out of it. Best of all is how much I've learned.

    Yes, I'm participating in A to Z. It's a bit daunting!

  54. These are all great points, Lynda! Very glad to have you in my group for the A to Z challenge.

  55. So true! I've learned tons from other blogs and have made some wonderful friends. It's all good and wonderful. Speaking of friendships and sharing, thanks for the fabulous links!

  56. Great list of benefits! I agree! I've learned so much about writing, and blogging, plus gained some good friends. And yes, I'll be into the A to Z madness in just a few days.

  57. This blog is awesome! I'm an aspiring teenage author working on an epic fantasy at the moment. I've needed help, and I've found a few sources that were... O.K... but I think this one provides a whole bunch of useful information.

    This post in general helps me a lot since I haven't had a lot of luck blogging over the past three years. *Shame

    Looking forward to some of your future stuff!

    -Matt (

    1. Thanks so much, Matt. This month my posts will be slightly different for the A-Z Challenge. I'll be posting some of my photography instead.

  58. Get to read very cool sites like this one..... Even if I am a shocker at not catching up with my commenting.... (ducks) Thankyou.

  59. Hi Lynda, looks like your one place under me in the AtoZ challenge. Good luck and look forward to following along with you blog.
    Shaun @

    1. Hi Shaun, good luck to you for the A-Z Challenge too! I will come visit you shortly.


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