
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lynda R. Young's Great Aussie BBQ is NOW!

Find new followers and come celebrate Australia Day with me at this virtual barbeque.

One important requirement of writing is to step back and enjoy life. We need the time to mingle, to enjoy a day once in a while without the pressure to produce words. This time is like a battery. It recharges our creativity, our motivations and dedication to our work.

So here's what you do:
1. Follow my blog

2. Leave a comment here. Introduce yourself and your blog and let everyone know what virtual food or drink you've brought along to share.

3. Pop back often over the extra long weekend to meet new people.

4. Choose at least three commenters and visit their blogs. If you like what you see, follow their blogs and leave a comment, introducing yourself and the virtual food you'd like to share. The more blogs you visit, follow and comment on, the more others will return the favour. You'll get out of it what you put in.

5. Invite more to the BBQ. All welcome! Send invites out on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ because the bigger a party gets, the better it becomes.

Have fun!

I'll go first:
Hi, my name is Lynda R. Young (I'm not going to tell you what the R stands for). I write YA novels along with speculative short stories. My blog offers writing and blogging tips. I've brought to the party a huge bowl of mango salad with roasted macadamia nuts. Yum.

Note: A huge thanks to Karen Gowen for the brilliant idea. There's a special place at the table for you.  

Please note: It's not too late for the BBQ. The party will continue all weekend.


  1. Is that today? Crap, I didn't make anything.

  2. Long-time follower. Just wanted to say Happy Australia Day to all the blog friends Down Under!

    My name is E.J. Wesley (since we're being secretive, I too shall leave the initials to your imaginations). I write YA, paranormal and a variety of other types of fiction. I blog about writing, the publishing business, music and--well, just about everything!

    You can find my blog, etc. @

    And of course, I BROUGHT THE BEER! ; )


  3. What a wonderful idea, Lynda - I'm so happy to be at your bbq!

    My name is Susan Fields. I write YA fantasy, sci fi, and mystery. I blog about writing and just life in general. You can find my blog at

    I brought dessert, of course! Triple Layer Brownies because they're perfect for a bbq!

  4. Happy BBQ Day!!

    LG Smith here. I'm currently writing an adult novel (trilogy actually) about a book-loving female warrior in post-apocalyptic Wales. I'm at

    And, um, I brought chips and guacamole. Goes good with E.J.'s beer. :))

  5. Watermelon. You always have to bring watermelon to these things. What a cool virtual mingle idea! Rock'en!

    (Okay, so, I know everyone who has commented so far - good to see you all again!) :)

  6. My pen name is Carrie-Anne, and I write 20th century historical fiction (both adult and YA, with my YA tending towards the Bildungsroman) and some soft sci-fi. I love writing long, saga-length books and interlocking series books instead of standalones. I blog about my writing, writing in general, silent and early sound film, classic rock, classic books, handedness, and various other topics.

    I brought dairy-free chocolate peanut butter pie.

  7. HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!!!!! Yay!!!!

    Yay it's BBQ time!!! It's 10pm here in the UK but by jingo I shall find some vegetarian sausages somewhere to throw into the fire! LOL!

    p.s. my blog is very kitty-centred and silly! Hello!

    Take care

  8. Oh my, oh my, oh my...I'm so excited to be celebrating Australia Day with you...

    Hi everybody, I'm not sure how I got here, but I'm glad I did. I mainly write Christian devotionals, drawing from life experiences hoping to encourage and challenges others to keep pressin' on. But, I'm also working on my fictional writing skills.
    ...Oh and I brought the Hot Wings. Bring on the's cold with patches of snow where I'm at.

  9. Hello! I'm here! And I love a good Aussie BBQ. :D
    I've brought my signature lentil salad and a bottle or red to share.
    I'm focusing on my contemporary YA wips this year, but I also love to write chapter booms and picture books.

  10. Well, since I'm from NZ it takes a great deal of self-will to permit myself to celebrate Australia Day with you. But, in the end, I decided I can probably manage it. Woo!

    And I'm with Alex on this one - completely forgot to make something. Oh well, that's what bags of chips are for! Salt and vinegar all the way :)

  11. Happy Australia Day! I'm bringing some spoon bread.

    I have a blog called Theresa's Tales of Teaching Tribulations and Typing Teen Texts. I primarily write YA contemporary fantasy, though I've also written middle grade. A few of my short stories are for adults. So I'm all over the place!

  12. Lyndy, I'm taking part only if Hugh Jackman is coming too! You know me goes only to parties with Aussie celebs :))

  13. Happy Australia Day. Since my sister lives in Australia, with her Australian husband and two Australian kids, I'll bring a Pavlova topped with strawberries, passion fruit and kiwis.

    My blog, Middle Passages focuses on writing related topics, as well as photos and prose celebrating my life on the coast of New England.

    Look forward to meeting you all. G'day!

  14. Always wished I lived in or had a chance to visit Australia :( What a nice place and the BBQ looks fantastic, if I do say so myself, being the BBQ connoisseur that I am lol.


  15. Okay, first, it's like I just travelled forward in time ;)...because everyone's comments say the 26th, but it's only 6 PM on Thurs. the 25th here on the east coast of the States (still early afternoon on the west coast). (also, while y'all are enjoying summer, it's freezing winter here. *pouts* Wanna trade for a few weeks?)

    I digress. Moving on.

    Happy Aussie Day (or eve, depending on how you look at it from my side ;) !!!

    And, I'm HUNGRY. Thus, I brought some steaks. And since it's summer there, and a girl can dream, I also brought all the fixin's to make margaritas.

    My name is Lola (my avatar links to my blog) and I write fiction for adults and YA. Right now I'm working on a YA magical realism.

    And right now I'm seriously eager to try some mango salad with roasted macadamia nuts, could somebody please pass it on over?

  16. Happy Australia Day! Have some barbecued corn on the cob, complete with melted butter! I teach martial arts by day, and by night I write crime and psychological thrillers. I blog about the arts of reading, writing and fighting!

    P.S. Thank you for featuring my book cover in your sidebar! :)

  17. Thanks for hosting the BBQ. Let me go whip up some corn bread and cole slaw!

    Oh, and I tweeted it, too!

  18. Thanks for hosting the barbie, at least your weather is better than the real life rainfest that is Sydney today.

    I'm totally unimaginative when it comes to BBQ's but have decided to bring a big cream filled pavlova with a pile of strawberries, nectarines and kiwi fruit. Because I'm actually a kiwi, and celebrating my first Australia Day living is Aus.

    I am currently working on a psychological thriller, and blogging on my writing insecurities, row80 goals, and Anything else I please. Looking forward to being the wallflower cowering in the corner of your virtual garden and meeting a few other writers around here.

  19. This looks like fun!

    I'm Emily Rose, and I grew up in a city in New England. I now live in the countryside and blog at
    I'm fourteen years old, I have four pets, I'm...blond. Yep, that's pretty much it!

    And I'll bring ice tea. Ice tea is always nice.:)

  20. I'm looking forward to when I get the 'reply' button on my blog hehehehe.

    Wow what an awesome spread so far!!

    EJ Wesley, Beer! You legend! No BBQ is right without beer!

    Susan, those triple layer brownies are delish! You must send me the recipe!

    Luanne, I love the way you think. Chips and guacamole are yum!

    David, hope you come back as the long weekend progresses. Hopefully you'll get to meet some new people.

    Carrie-Anne, your pie sounds almost as good as your writing!

    Old Kitty, that's the way to BBQ! :)

    Merrie, It's fantastic to meet you! Hot Wings are yum!

    Michelle, cheers! (I love red)

  21. Hi, my name is Clarissa Draper. From Canada originally but I live in Mexico currently (and loving the weather). I write a variety of things but my main focus is my crime fiction/mysteries.

    My blog offer loads of uninteresting posts about a variety of nonsensical things.

    However, I'm willing to bribe followers with some Tequila from Mexico! And a few cervesas....

  22. Nick, a party is a party! And I love salt & Vinegar chips.

    Theresa, I had to look up spoon bread. Sounds yum!

    Dezzy, I told Hugh about the party and he said he'd only take part if you did. He said he'd bring... no shirt. Woo!

    Liza, pavlova! score!

    Dreadnaught, welcome! and thanks for the follow :)

    Lola, yeah, I probably should have waited a little longer to post, but I'm ahead of my time here in Oz ;) The times you see are Sydney, Australia times. And yum! thanks for the steaks!

    JC Martin, bbq'd corn on the cob is the BEST! I make it often. I know I've said it before, but I'm looking forward your book release.

    Nancy, corn bread and coleslaw, yum! Thanks so much for the tweet too!

    Hunter, yeah Sydney is a tad dismal today. I was hoping for a real barbie, but it looks like it might be baked bean toasted sandwiches for lunch ;) I love the touch of the kiwi fruit on the pav!

    Emily, thank you so much for the iced tea. It's perfect.

  23. Happy Australia Day people! I'm spending mine travelling back to Perth airport from Margaret River after one of the best holidays I've ever had. Hoping to find a few cafes open so we don't starve on the way! Big Australia Day doings all round here.

    I write gutsy women's fiction, short stories and travel articles. I blog about writing, post snippets of stories and travel pics. Find me at

    As I couldn't cook, I'll buy a pavlova to bring to the bbq. Desserts are my favourite.


  24. I'll bring some Penefold's Cabernet to your BBQ, Linda!

    Hi, my name is Sharon K. Mayhew. I write children's stories and a blog. I love to travel.

    Have a great long weekend.

  25. So great to see so many fellow Aussies (and Kiwis and Aussie friends, of course) here today :)

    My name is Rach and I'm a YA Horror and Dark Fantasy writer. My stomach is already filled with all that gorgeous food - two pavlovas, my favorite!!! I had thirds, of course *grins* So I might contribute a cheese platter with some of my faves: Mersey Valley, Harvarti, Triple Brie, Camemburt, and some Quince Paste, plus wafer crackers of course. Yum! :)

    Looking forward to catching up with you over the weekend :)



  26. What an awesome idea!

    My name is Caitlin and I write general fiction. And these comments are making me hungry! I'll bring along the coleslaw and greens.

    Looking forward to getting to know other bloggers!

  27. Hi Lyn & Happy Australia Day!
    I brought buffalo chicken dip and crackers!

    I write children's poetry, picture books and middle grade. So glad to meet you all!

  28. Lynda - we may not be doing toasted sammies for lunch, but we're resorting to cleaning up the real BBQ in the garage.

    Sorry for the duplicate pavs at your great barbie here - but that's typical of a good barbie, also. I'll bring over some more beer, and good scrumpy cider with equal alcholol content.

  29. LOL, you know I love a good long weekend Blog BBQ!! I'll bring baked beans with shredded pork. I am getting hungry very now.

  30. What a great idea, Lynda!

    I go by the pseudonym of Bryce Daniels for my fiction. Currently in the editing stage(s) of my first novel, a thriller. I also write poetry and have written a few travel articles for magazines.

    I stopped and picked up a gross of grilled shrimp on the way over, in honor of your special day. I have no explanation as to how one gross became one-hundred, or why there is cocktail sauce on my lapel.

  31. Hi Lynda, your mango salad with roasted macadamia nuts sounds worth the flight to your BBQ. My name is Eve and I write poetry, ad copy and I'm working a novel that I can categorize as something like women's fiction/romance with a touch of adventure and mystery. Anyway, thanks for the invitation. I live in the desert and most of the socializing around here starts to ebb as the heat starts climbing!

  32. Denise, I don't know how you are managing to travel and blog at the same time. And yum I love Pav!

    Sharon, oh cabernet! One of my favourites!

    Rachael, wow, you know how to put a cheese platter together. Delish!

    Caitlin, coleslaw and greens is a brilliant addition.

    Kelly, yum! Buffalo chicken sounds great.

    Hunter, hehe, there can't be too many pavs and certainly there's never such a thing as too much beer. And I love cider! A barbie in the garage is the way to go with this weather, I reckon.

    Karen, baked beans and shredded pork sounds delicious.

    Bryce, oh yes! We have to bung those shrimp on the barbie!

    Eve (Desert Rocks), there's a pool here at the BBQ so feel free to jump right in if it's getting too hot! :)

  33. I want to go cook up some ribs now! Yummmmmy!

  34. what a good idea! im new here and I've got 3 blogs about finances, technology, politics that i update all the time and i would love to help color your community :)
    ill be following!

  35. Happy Australia Day! The bbq looks so yummy! ;)

  36. Hey Lynda! I brought apple pie and a bottle of white wine.

    I write picture books and middle grade novels and I blog about my path to publication.

    Happy Australia Day!!!!!!!!! *waving and celebrating*

  37. Hi, I'm Neurotic Workaholic.
    I must confess that I haven't brought any homemade food to the barbecue, because I can't even heat up frozen pizza without burning it; I've even ruined Easy Mac on more than one occasion. So is it okay if I just bring soda and cookies? :)
    I blog about grad school, life in Chicago, online dating, writing, and everything else I obsess about, including random commuters who tell me I'm going to hell because I won't convert to their newly founded religion and annoying neighbors who wake me up at 3 A.M. with their TV/music/dance marathons.

  38. Rhoda! Rhonda! Rachel! Reese! Ramalama!!

    I give.

    What a way fun idea!!!

    Glad ya found me :D

    I have brought bourbon brownies that I'm stuffing my face with RIGHT NOW!

  39. What a great idea!
    I'm just going to stop on my way over and buy some chips and dip... you wouldn't want to taste anything home made, trust me!
    I've working on a Christian (Sci)fiction novel and my blog is mostly just my thoughts on anything that flits across my brain. (Hence the title "Unloading my brain to fill it again".

    Thanks for inviting me to your barbie!

  40. Happy Australia Day!

    I'm a YA writer who debuted last year. I blog about reading, writing, and random stuff. I've brought veggie patties to throw on the barbecue.

    I'm going to bookmark this so I can return and visit three other blogs.

  41. Happy Australia Day, everyone!

    I'm Kathy. I write YA fantasy and YA post-apocalyptic, although I love reading YA contemporary. I was lucky enough to score my dream agent last year!

    I've brought dumplings to the barbecue. And cupcakes.

  42. Wow, so many awesome people! Say, did anyone bring actually bring sausages or steak for the barbie? Hmm ...

    Oh well, I suppose I better introduce myself. I'm Nick, a teenage writer. I'm writing a YA Fantasy, and it's taking me forever because I stubbornly have a Tolkien-esque world-building mindset. But I'll get there eventually.

    I blog about writing and blogging, sharing tips that I've learned over the past couple years. And I love connecting with other writers through the blogosphere! :)

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Hey Happy Australia Day! I brought southern style potato salad and vino!
    And a hammock!!! :)

  45. Sorry Lynda...I deleted my previous post as there was a typo, LOL. I'm a longtime follower. Posted this on my FB wall to invite new followers to your blog :) Happy Australia Day! :)

  46. I love BBQs!

    My name is Nicole Steinhaus. I write YA contemp. and suspense, and also run a blog for YA writers called YA STANDS. So nice to meet all of you! I'm bringing my famous broccoli salad.

  47. LOL, I personally told Hugh to tell you that about no shirt :) me was hopping we could trick Chris Hemsworth to do the same :)

  48. What fun! Man, I'm always late for the party. :(

  49. Wow! I might need to make a run for refills! lol Just popped over to say thanks again for doing this, Lydia. Met some more nice folks and blog friends. Which is always great!


  50. Great idea! I just stopped by with a strawberry salad.

  51. Oh, what fun. A virtual BBQ. No sticky BBQ sauce fingers, lol. Don't think anyone brought what I call a relish tray (black olives, green olives, pickle spears, and banana pepper rings).

    Oops, almost forgot. My name is Susanne. : )

  52. Hi. I'm Stacy. I write about picture books and writing memoir on my blog. I share writing resources on Thursdays, unless life sneaks into a post like today! I've made corn-a-roni, a special treat from my Hubby's friends in Iowa.

  53. I luv coming here all the time anyway:) Happy Australia Day and enjoy the BBQ:)

  54. Love this idea! I go by Honey on the internet, and I'm working on my first novel based loosely on living in the rainforest in S. America, which I actually did for a year, and on being a nurse, combining the two into an adventure/romance contemporary something or other. (Short for I don't really know which genre I fit into!)
    I brought Pico de Gallo, a Mexican salsa that I'm totally addicted to! The recipes on my blog- so please stop by and visit!

  55. Am I fashionably late to the BBQ?
    Hi everyone! *waves* I'm Emily, my writer's blog is I'm an Aquarius and I LOVE chocolate. Naturally, I'm bringing brownies! No nuts though. I love 'em, but some of you may not, and I'm always thinking of my blogging peeps!

  56. Hi there!! *waves* I'm a little late too, but thanks for the FB invite!

  57. Happy Australia Day!! I'd like to imagine it's warm.

    My blog is about writing and science fiction and Oregon and astronomy and whatever else is on my mind.

    I brought some wine jello and some mini gingerbread cakes.

  58. Thanks again for all your posts and Happy Australia Day from happy New Zealand!

    I've brought that traditional dish of Pavlova and lots of sponge cake so that we've all got plenty of ammo for when the "we invented it" debate gets going.

    My blog is Jabberwockery and at any time may contain: Logic, theories & Schemes (Malevolent, Benevolent and Benign). A chorus of children. War, Peace and a thousand elephants.

    Like almost everyone else at the BBQ I'm in the middle of writing a book, Harts Change. Occasionally I mention it on the blog.

  59. Well, that's super friendly and relaxed! Nice. :)

  60. BragonDorn, slow cooked ribs are the best

    Carolyn, Thanks so much

    Robyn, it's been so long since I've had apple pie! Yum!

    Workaholic, soda and cookies are great!

    Jolene, keep guessing ;)

    Linda, oh Christian scifi sounds interesting. Welcome to the BBQ

    Medeia, veggie patties sound great for the barbie :)

    Kathy, congrats on your dream agent. Dumplings and cupcakes. Great combo.

    Nick, ha, it took me a while to get past the Tolkien mindset too ;)

    PK Hrezo, a hammock!!! Win!

    Len, meh, I don't worry too much about typos in comments (as many have discovered in the past lol). Thanks so much for the FB share :)

    Nicole, oh, broccoli salad sounds awesome.

  61. Happy Australia Day!

    Mango salad sounds good. :)

    Hello, there! I'm The Golden Eagle, a teenage blogger and writer of SF. My blog is about a range of topics, but writing is one of the subjects I frequently post about.

    I'm bringing stir fry.

  62. Dezzy, Chris told me he thought about it and he might do it later when the party starts winding down ;)

    Ciara, The party is continuing on for the full weekend so it's never too late.

    Lydia, thanks

    EJ Wesley, the beer is running low so that would be great ;)

    Tyrean, oh! Strawberry salad will go perfectly with all the pavlovas

    Susanne, your relish tray sounds fantastic. I'm curious about your banana pepper rings.

    Stacy, I'm not sure what corn-a-roni is but it sounds nice. Thanks for the retweet too.

    Mark, thanks so much!

    Honey, wow, your novel sounds intriguing. I love Mexican salsas too. Yum.

    Emily, oh brownies! It's been too long since I had a brownie.

    Christina, no such thing as being too late to an Aussie BBQ (unless the beer has run out).

    Mary, It is warm. Great swimming weather. Wine jello and gingerbread cakes...oh yum!

    Gryan, there is no debate...the Aussies invented the Pav ;) mwuahahaha.

    Suze, pull up a hammock ;)

    Golden, stir fry sounds brilliant!

    Please note: It's not too late for the BBQ. The party will continue all weekend.

  63. Fun idea! Happy Australia Day. :) I'm Shallee McArthur and I write YA sci fi. I have a great love for my family and Africa.

  64. I am anthony stemke and I write about food,

    I'm bringing a gallon of Perry.

  65. Wow this is a great bbq! Happy Australia Day.
    I'm Kathy McKendry over at
    I post about life with 3 kids and a hubby while trying to write.
    Currently I'm working on a historical fiction but I also write picture books and magazine articles.

    I brought a tropical fruit salad with mangoes, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, and pineapple with just a touch of honeyed lime sauce. Can't wait to make new friends!

  66. This is super awesome!

    Okay, I'm Jessica Mckendry (Jess) over at Write. Skate Dream.
    I'm a fifteen year old blogger, and I post about noveling and writing in general with a few splashes of life in between.

    Now, what am I bringing? I'll go with fish tacos with a mango, red onion salsa. Those are AMAZING!
    Can't wait to meet some new people :)

  67. Shallee, thanks for joining the party!

    Anthony, I had to look up Perry. I've never tried it but it sounds interesting.

    K McKendry, your salad is awesome. It has everything I love!!!

    Jess, I've never tried fish tacos before. Excellent!

  68. I dabble in humor, and no, those aren't deer flies in the potato salad.

  69. I think I'll just bring a couple of frosties and a whole lot of ice to keep everything cool.
    Have a fantastic "Braai" and blessings on this special day, Geoff.

  70. Lucky you guys, you can have a virtual and real BBQ at the same time.

    If we tried to do that right now, we'd freeze to death. :P

  71. Corn on the cob, potato salad and cookies :-)

  72. Fun!! I love BBQs too!
    I'll bring my black bean and corn salsa!

  73. Hi Lynda...Happy Australia Day. Enjoy the BBQ.

    I know I am a bit late. But never mind the lateness.

    Hi, I am Rachna Chhabria. I write Middle Grade Fiction with Dollops of Humour. My Blog Rachna's Scriptorium is my online writing room from which I discuss the craft of writing and share tips I have learnt in my writing Journey.

    I will bring a bowl of Indian Kheer (sweet dish)and a platter of Kebabs.

  74. What a fun idea! I'm off to introduce myself to a few other commenters.

  75. Oops! Forgot to introduce myself. My name is Susan Mills. I'm an aspiring young adult author. My blog uses shoe pictures to discuss writing related matters.

  76. I'm a bit late, but I'm brining the lemon meringue pie:)

    Hi all, I'm Tania and I write fantasy, usually dark and speckled with horror. Great barbie... okay going to mingle:)

  77. Hi Lynda,
    I've been a follower for a long time now. However I told a dear friend of mine to come visit your blog ;)
    To join your wonderful BBQ, I'm bringing tofu panini with pesto sauce ;) And, let's not forget a good bottle of chianti. Yeah!

  78. Curmudgeon, if they aren't deer flies, then what are they? ;)

    Geoff, ice is brilliant!! We need more ice :)

    DWei, freezing weather has never stopped me from a BBQ--although 'freezing' in Australia is a lot different to 'freezing' overseas ;)

    Sarah, yum, great additions to the BBQ

    Jennifer, black bean and corn salad sounds delicious.

    Rachna, I've not tried Kheer before. It sounds interesting.

    Susan, welcome to the BBQ Susan.

    tfwalsh, oh win! I LOVE lemon meringue pie. LOVE it!!!

    Claudia, Thanks so much for spreading the news!

  79. Hi Lynda,
    I was invited to your BBQ by a dear writer friend. So let's see, here I have something vegetarian (she's vegetarian), avocado salad, spelt flour leek pie, and a bottle of Cabernet-Sauvignon.
    My blog is about acting and writing (I'm a professional actor and freelance writer), but I often digress and give full vent to my lyrical disposition.


  80. Happy Australia Day! I love these BBQs.
    Let's see... I'm at The Girdle of Melian and I blog about reading and writing. Recently discovered the genius of Neil Gaiman.

  81. Jay, welcome to the BBQ. It's wonderful to meet you. And your treats you brought along sound wonderful!

    Deniz, thanks for popping in for the BBQ :)

  82. I'm late to the BBQ! Anyone still here???? ;)

  83. Hi Morgan, I'm a firm believer it's never too late. If you visit 3 or more commenters by following and commenting on their blogs, there is a high likelihood that they will do the same in return. So have fun and mingle :)


I'd love to hear your opinion. Thanks for leaving a comment.