
Monday, November 7, 2011

Interview and NaNoWriMo Progress

The first week of the National Novel Writing Month is almost complete and I have written about 10k words with another 2k or so to write today. I'm pleased with my progress considering this weekend I attended a Speculative Fiction Writers' Festival, which was brilliant (more on that in a later post).

Today, however, I'm pleased to announce that I'm being interviewed by the lovely E.R. King at Get Busy Writing.

Please, head on over and check it out HERE.


  1. 10K words is amazing! Will check out your interview....

  2. Congrats on the huge word count already!
    I'm off to see the interview

  3. Congratulations! You are amazing! I'll stop by and check out the interview, today!

  4. you're doing grrrreat, chicky!
    looking forward to hearing about your festival!

  5. wow. Congrats. If I werent pregnant, grumpy, sick and sleepy I would so enjoy doing this wtih everyone. Next year. (Right,when I have a 3 months old!)

  6. Well done you!! Keep going!! Take care

  7. Wow, 10 K is awesome. *bows to your NaNo-ing awesomeness*

  8. You're brave for taking on NaNo.

  9. I was fortunate to get 25 k done before my visitor came Sunday a.m. I did another 1000 today. Progress will be slow now for a week I expect ;( Trying to keep on track story-wise is the hardest bit for me.

    Keep going - your steady approach will no doubt win the race :D

  10. ooh, I'm heading over there immediately :)

  11. Yay! 10k is a good start. Keep it comin'. And thanks again for the interview. You were brilliant. : )

  12. Awesome about your Nano progress! I slacked this weekend, so I'm gonna have to step it up. Hoppin' on over to check out your interview... :-)

  13. Making great progress! Off to read interview. Thanks again for letting me invade.

  14. Great interview with Emily. I love the generosity tip :)

  15. Nice interview Linda. Your blogging knowledge is quite vast.

  16. Wow, awesome on the word count! I'll checkout the interview too:)

  17. Hoping over from Emily's blog. Nice to meet you!

  18. Wonderful to see your progress with Nanowrimo. Just poppin' over to the interview now. :)

  19. That's amazing. I'm so glad you're doing well.

  20. Congrats on your first 10K! Hope the next 40K come as easily for you!

  21. Sounds like you're making GREAT progress!! Neat orange photo too, a flower center I'm assuming.

  22. Congratulations on the word count! :)

  23. I'm so impressed with your NaNoWriMo word count. Congratulations! :)

  24. Thanks so much for the NaNo congrats. I'm now up to 13k so that makes me happy.

    Thank you too for the wonderful people who popped on over to Emily's blog and read the interview.

    Read, aw, all the best with your pregnancy.

    Shah, oh wow, 26k is huge! Best of luck with the next 24k

    Emily, no, no, YOU are brilliant. Thanks again for the opportunity.

    LC Frost, yep, I can't write on any weekend with my hubby around so I need to work even harder during the week. Best of luck with your progress.

    Carol, yes, the photo is a flower centre. The flower is quite small.

  25. Congrats on the word count! That's where I'm at too - 10k with a need to write 2k today. Best Wishes!

  26. Congrats on the word count. That conference sounded great!

  27. Congrats on the progress, and on the interview! I just read it, and I loved it.

  28. WOW! That is seriously impressive progress! Way to go! On my way to check out your interview on Emily's blog! :)

  29. Can't wait to hear about the festival, and I loved the interview :-)

  30. Aaaah, I missed a Spec Fic Writers Festival? Noooo! I've even been up in Sydney for work! You always have the inside track on this stuff--I'm going to have to start bugging you for information. (And yay 10K, but mostly I'm fixating on the spec fic here.)

  31. 10 K words is great, Lynda. Good luck with NaNo.

  32. New follower here. I found you through your great interview. :D

  33. I'm so behind on NaNo. Can I blame college? I blame college.

  34. 12K words for the first week is great progress, right on target for the 50K word finish line. I'm jealous!!

  35. Peggy, thanks so much

    J. L. Campbell, yes, I did write more!! I managed to write another 2800 yesterday so that takes me up to 16k now

    Amie, it's a shame you missed it because it was brilliant. It was held at the NSW Writers' Centre. They will likely run another Spec Fic one in two years time.

    Jen, yep, school is a good excuse. At least you are still writing.

    Nisa, welcome!!

    Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to comment and who have read my interview. You all rock!

  36. Hi Lynda, wow you are unstoppable!

    Congrats on massive wordcount - looking foward to reading the interview :D

  37. My progress on NaNo has been pathetic this year. Too much going on.

    Blogging from A to Z

  38. Congrats on your progress - sounds like you're doing great!

  39. Wow, that's impressive! Good for you. Keep up the good work while I head on over to your interview.

  40. Just learned a bit more about you over at 'Get Busy Writing'. Your enthusiasm and positive vibe is contagious! Thanks for stopping by Live to Write. I'm glad to know that someone else posts quotes on the fridge. Another Emily Dickinson quote that I debated posting is: "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."

    Love it! I'm glad to know about your blog and look forward to posts! Good luck with NaNo!

  41. Hi there!

    Thanks for following my blog - I'm sorry my giveaway isn't international. Now I feel bad. :( Next time I'll do an international prize. :)

  42. thats awesome! keep up the good work

  43. Ooh! Good luck! I hope your nanoing is going well. :) I'm off to check out your interview!


  44. Lee, I actually thought I wouldn't be able to keep up with the NaNo goals this year as well. I've been super busy. I hope you are still writing, though, even if it's 200 words a day.

    Sara, welcome to my blog. Yes, I love that quote too, and thanks.

    Tristi, ha, don't feel bad. It costs a lot to send stuff to Australia.

    Thanks again to everyone who commented and checked out the interview. Much appreciated.


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