
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Third Writers’ Platform Building Campaign

Rachael Harrie has put together another fantastic campaign: Third Writers’ Platform Building Campaign. It’s a great way to make real connections with like-minded people. I took part in one earlier in the year and I met so many more new bloggers, struggling writers, published authors.

The campaign runs from August 22nd until October 31st. The list closes on August 31st, so you have a week to sign up.

The Write Advice is a fantastic new Facebook community page organised by Laura Barnes. It is designed to bring together a collection of bloggers who offer great writing advice.
“I hope for this to be an excellent source for beginning writers, or beginning writer researchers, a sort-of one-stop-shop.”
It’s worth checking out.

What online initiatives or sites have given you support as a writer?Are you signing up to the campaign?


  1. I've signed up for the campaign. I'm excited and a little nervous, but I've heard great things about the last one.

  2. If I wasn't just so overwhelmed now! Think I have a handle on what's going to happen with the Insecure Writer's Support group though.
    And Lynda, thank you so much for featuring my next book! Wow, so awesome to come here and see it.

  3. I hope all those campaigning and joining up have lots of fun and enjoy themselves!!! Go forth and enjoy your platform building!! Yay!

    Take care

  4. Thanks for the info. Might have to check it out.

  5. love the button for PLATFORM BUILDING CAMPAIGNER :)

  6. I'm not signing up for this one but I'm going to watch and cheer for all you who did and see how it all works. Good luck.

  7. Hi! Fellow campaigner here. I'm a newbie though. ^^;

  8. I have given it a lot of thought and I am not signing up for the campaign at this time.

    I really need to focus less on online media and more on writing offline this fall.


  9. Yay! I'm so excited about the campaign! :)

  10. I'm in the sf campagin group -- looking forward to getting to know you!

  11. This sounds like such a cool idea.

  12. Am signed up and grouped with you ^_^ I look forward to getting to know you as things settle down a bit.

  13. Yep, I signed up for the campaign. It should be fun.

  14. Glad to see you signed up too Lynda! :)

  15. I've signed up, and this is my first one. I'm excited, but I was nervous as well. I was so pleased to see you and a few others in my group. It felt like seeing old friends in a new class :) Of course, now I've been round all the other blogs I'm wondering what I was ever nervous about!

  16. Hi Lynda,

    All the best! I look forward to the competition posts!

  17. Hi Lynda,

    All the best! I look forward to the competition posts!

  18. Happy Campaigning!!! xx

  19. We're in the same YA campaigner group! I'm so excited, this is going to be a great couple of months!

  20. I've only just noticed, but it seems we've been double-grouped. ^_^

  21. I'm thinking about signing up. I tend to hesitate signing up for these things, because I worry I won't blog enough to participate or that I'll miss important dates.

  22. Came here from the Platform Building Campaign!!

    Cool Blog!!

    with warm regards
    Another Author

  23. I'm already loving the campaign...:)

  24. I've signed up. I had so much fun on the last one. Onwards.

  25. Hey Lynda, woot, welcome back on board the Campaign. It's going to be a blast. :D



  26. I haven't decided about the campaign yet...

    But, I will check out The Write Advice.

  27. Joined the Campaign yesterday. Look forward to working with you.

  28. I'm busy and not doing this campaign, but I certainly enjoyed the last one, and meeting new writers! I like Janice Hardy's The Other Side of the Story blog. VERY informative stuff about nitty-gritty how-to's of writing a novel.

  29. Hi Lynda,

    Joined the campaign and figured I'd swing by to say hi! :-)

    This is gonna be fun!

  30. Hello fellow Fantasy Campaigner! Excited to get to know you through the blogosphere! :)

  31. Very cool, thanks for the heads up and info:)

  32. Oooh, definitely going to check out The Write Advice! Thanks for the info!!

  33. Lynda - just stopping by from the campaign group - trying to follow you but the link was broken - I'll try again - awesome blog!

  34. I am so tempted to sign up for this, but time is such an issue right now. Still considering. . .

  35. In the campaign :) Nice to meet you! I love your blog header. It's gorgeous.

  36. I signed up for the campaign. I've already met a lot of nice folks. Slowly making my way through the list of participants.
    The Writer Unboxed blog has helped me a lot. I signed up for the FB group and have enjoyed the folks there and the discussion about craft, publishing and writerly things.

  37. WELCOME to all the newcomers and Campaigners. It's fantastic to see you all here and I appreciate every comment. Looking forward to getting to know more writers.

    Christine, the last one was brilliant.

    Alex, ha, I've been meaning to put it up for some time now and only recently got the chance to get some basic maintenance done. I'm so looking forward to the release of CassaFire.

    Old Kitty, verily

    Dezzy, shame I can't lay claim to it. It was designed by JYS at Writerly Pensheep.

    Suze, I fully support your decision. First and foremost, it's important to write.

    Sarah, oddly enough I can relate to that nervousness. Hehehe.

  38. Aldrea, that's because we are special ;)

    Medeia, sign up! It's so worth it. You won't regret it and you don't have to take part in the challenges if you don't want to.

    Rachael, thanks again for organising this marvellous campaign.

    Clarissa, It's up to you, but from my experience last time, it was so worth it.

    Carol, thanks for the tip!

    Lady, yep, I'm noticing that as well. I think Blogger is struggling. I've found if you refresh the page it usually works.

    Cynthia, I have even less time than I did last time, but I didn't want to miss out.

    Angela, Thanks. The header was designed and created by Dezmond at HollywoodSpy.

    Stacy, I'll have to check out that blog. Thanks.

  39. Hi there! I'm new to the campaign trail. Nice to meet you - I'm a fellow fantasy grouper.

  40. I do not belong to a group on or offline… I use my blog to work out some issues. One day I might progress to partners or a critic group, but for now I am happy with my station.

    Thx for your support.

  41. I jumped on board this time. So many new people to meet. How wonderful that is.

  42. It sounds like a funtastic thing to do! I've been wondering about it. I should look into it and see if I "qualify". :)

    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

  43. Another welcome to all the great campaigners and new followers :)

    Jeff, any time.

    Elizabeth, funtastic is such a cool word ;)

  44. hi got here - think I joined to many groups!! did the last campaign had such fun met such great people couldn't resist this one

  45. I have other things to focus on right now, so will be hanging back on this one.

    I found goodreads useful. And I just got involved with best seller bound.

  46. Hello!

    I'm another campaigner and we're in the post-apocalyptic group together :D

    I'm slowly making my way around everyone!

    I'm a new follower :D

  47. Hey, Lynda! It's great to meet you as a fellow writer and Campaigner!

  48. Hello from another campaigner. Glad to meet you.

  49. Hi from Oregon! Should be fun campaigning together.

  50. Just popping by to say hello to a fellow campaigner. Also, I love your blog! Can't wait to read more!

  51. Just stopping by to say hello.

    Still have all your links in my reader from last time :-)

    Just letting you know that my blog has changed from the linky list entry. (sorry) Still Precocious scribe, just now on WP.

    Please stop by and update your reader ...blah blah...

    many thanks,

    looking forward to another fun month!


  52. Hi Lynda. This is my first time in joining the campaign and liking it so far. I'm in a number of different groups, which can be quite daunting, but I aim to get around to everyone. You're in my Aussie/NZ group. I'm looking forward to seeing more of you during the campaign.

  53. Just a heads up, I have set up a Google Reader with all of Dystopian Group 21 in it to help organize all of our . Link is:

  54. Fellow campaigner in the fantasy group here. Glad to meet you. Your blog is fantastic - and epic in coverage. Looking forward to reading more.

  55. Welcome to all the campaigners and all the new followers. It's fantastic to meet you all :)

  56. Hi Lynda! I'm a fellow Campaigner. Your look looks very interesting. I'm looking forward to exploring it.


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