
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What Questions do You Have?

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes here, on Facebook and on Twitter. I had a fantastic birthday. I came close to overdosing on chocolate and I’m afraid of stepping on the scales, but it was so worth it.

Thank you also to Pam over at 2 Encourage for making my writing blog the feature blog of the week. Her reason: ‘I have learned so much from your posts that I want to send people over to glean the gems you've mined from your writing experience.’ I appreciate it more than you know.

Announcement: I will be opening my blog up to the occasional guest writer. If you have a book coming out and/or you’d like to share a writing or social media tip, please send me an email.

Lastly, do you have any questions about writing, publishing, reading or social media? They can be as basic or tricky as you’d like. Just leave your question in the comments and I will do my best to answer them in future posts.

Pic: I went to the Chinese Gardens at Darling Harbour, Sydney, on my birthday.


  1. I'm glad your birthday was awesome! :) I guess, as far as questions go, I'd have to ask: could it work to have two different POVs in a story, one third person, one first person?

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  5. Only a million! You always cover things so well, Lynda. Need to have you do a guest post for me next month on writing, since writing tips are not my forte. And I'm always up for doing a guest post! I can at least amuse folks...

  6. /Raises Hand!

    I have been looking for months now for a critique partner. I even joined our big writing group here in town but no one seems available or a good match. Do you know of any online writing communities with forums or something where you can meet people for such things? Or is that two risky?


  7. Overdosing on chocolate is the only way to celebrate a birthday ;-)

  8. Oh! I have a question! Well. . . I have two, but I'll only ask one.

    JK Rowling is a huge phenomenon, but she wrote seven books. By the end, everyone knew the characters, the world, and the plot that they learned to love through all seven books. I can't write series for the life of me. Assuming I get published, does this hurt my chances of coming just an ounce as popular as JK?

  9. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday! I don't have a question right now, but I'm sure I can come up with one...eventually.

    Have a great week!

  10. So lovely that you enjoyed your birthday :0 love the pic. ;)
    I too love all the info you share here.

  11. So glad you had a great birthday, Lynda! I am with you on the chocolate! It's always worth it. I don't have any questions right now, really, but I am TOTALLY with your friend: This blog has taught me SO much, and I ALWAYS look forward to your posts. Thank you so much for all you do.

  12. Do you have to twitter and facebook to get your social platform success? Is a successful blog good enough? I am just so naturally averse to twitter that I cant stand the thought of forcing myself into it! )

  13. Overdoing on chocolates once in a while is not a bad thing.

    Is it necessary for a writer to be on Twitter? Does not joining Twitter affect a writer's chances of making it big.

  14. Bethany, thanks for the great question. I will attempt to answer it on Friday.

    Alex, would love to do a guest post and would love for you to do a guest post here.

    Brea, I've written a post on this topic earlier in the year -- How to find a good critique partner The comments are also helpful. I hope this helps. I didn't cover the risks though, so I'll do that in a future post.

    Sam, so true

    Madeline, great question! I'm looking forward to tackling that one.

    Sharon, thanks :)

  15. Michelle, thanks

    Alyssia, oh gosh, thank you so much :)

    Jessie, hahaha yeah, I can relate to the aversion to Twitter. Looks like Rachna has a similar question. I'll post my answer next week :)

    Rachna, hmm, depends how you define, 'once in a while' re chocolate ;) As I said on FB, I'll answer your great question early next week.

  16. I do have a question. If an author had zero social media presence, but had all her other ducks in a row, do you believe not having a presence in social networking would be the dealbreaker if she wanted to go the traditional publishing route?

  17. I am glad you had a wonderful birthday! You always have such great posts. I am on Twitter but, have not linked my Facebook (I use this for personal). How do you feel about keeping the two separate? I have been contemplating on what to do about that.

  18. I've always thought you write the best posts on writing in the whole blogosphere. Unlike most others, which tend to be boring and overly long (which is strange for a writer), your posts are always short, spot on, focused and perfectly balanced.

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yay!!!!! I can't think of any questions at the moment but look forward to your future blog posts cos you always have amazing info to read!! Yay!! Take care

  20. There can never be enough chocolate.
    Have you tried the new Google Social Media. Not really sure what to call it - Google plus? I haven't ventured there yet.

  21. Woo! Congrats on being the feature blog of the week! You deserve it. :) My only question/grumble is about Facebook. I've heard so many negative things about it, and yet it seems to be a necessary part of social networking (especially if you have a book out, to have an "author page"). But I've also read it's usually the same people who are already following you on Twitter and your blog anyway. Sigh.

  22. Congrats on being featured. Wooo! You do write a great blog. :)

  23. Emily, thanks

    Suze, this seems to be on a lot of writers' minds. I will answer this question next week.

    Maeve, interesting question. I will address this one soon.

    Dezzy, oh wow, thank so much. Your words mean a great deal to me.

    Old Kitty, hehe thanks! Love your enthusiasm.

  24. Stacy, nope, I haven't tried the new Google social media.

    Ben, wonderful

    Carol, hehe. I will address this question soon.

    Mark, thanks

    M Pax, thanks :)

    Peggy, thanks

  25. So much great news and so much to look forward to. I have a question: What's the most popular genre sold in bookstores? Where does mystery rank?

  26. A belated Happy Birthday to you.

    You can't overdose on chocolate, maybe get a little queasy, or a tummy ache; but overdose? Never

  27. I have a question. How do you balance your schedule as far as writing time and social media time? Do you do certain things on certain days, a little of each every day, or something else? I'm so unorganized and trying to figure out the best way to go about it. Thanks for your help. I feel like I'm writing to Dear Abbey. Okay, so now it's Dear Lynda! Haha!

  28. Oh the Chinese Gardens at Darling Harbour is so beautiful, I'd like to visit again. Good way to celebrate your Birthday, hope you had a nice day!

  29. Look forward to the author posts and your responses to questions. Love how the internet opens up aspects of writing as dialogue between bloggers :)
    Wagging Tales

  30. Missed your birthday, but by the sound of it you had an interesting one.

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  32. Hi Lynda - after posting on my blog the questions I ask myself while self-critiquing, I thought I would put that out to you. Do you have any particular questions you ask yourself once you have completed your first draft of your manuscript? I would be interested in your view. Thanks, Maeve

  33. Happy Belated Birthday, Lynda!!!

    I don't have a question at the moment...I just wanted to greet you. Hope you had a blast!

  34. Clarissa, oh, interesting question. I recently went to a workshop that covered a lot of that kind of statistic. I'll see if I can find my notes.

    Anthony, phew, good to know ;)

    LynNerd, fantastic question. Time is a huge issue.

    Nas, thanks :)

    Charmaine, it is great isn't it.

    J L Campbell, yes indeedy!

    Maeve, great question. I will post an answer soon.

    Cherie, it was a blast. Thanks.

  35. Happy belated birthday, Lynda. Sounds like you enjoyed it.


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