
Friday, June 10, 2011

2 Ways to Become a Published Author

1. Write a good story, work hard and persevere, aiming to always do your best and be your best.

2. Write a good story, work hard and persevere, aiming to always do your best and be your best.

What's your chosen method of publication?

I’m currently in the thick of rewrites of my young adult Fantasy Steampunk, and I’m so immersed in the story I’m almost living the adventure. When this happens, my advice is let the immersion happen. Don’t fight it. Live it. Breathe it.

Thanks: I won three books from Emily White in celebration of her signing with Spencer Hill Press. The books are Minder by Kate Kaynak, Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout and its prequel, Daimon. Thanks so much Emily!

Award: I also won the Irrisistibly Sweet Blog Award from Susanne Drazic at Putting Words Down on Paper. Thanks, Susanne.


  1. I was so happy when you won those book over at Emily's yesterday!

    Does your hubs know you stole his helmet for the pic? :)

  2. Work hard, perservere, work harder, perserve even more! LOL!! Oh and never give up, never surrender (from Galaxy Quest!)!!

    Huge congratulations with your books win and your fabulous award!! Fantastic stuff! Take care

  3. I like it! Simple to understand, a challenge to execute. :-)

  4. Congratulations, Lynda! And this is wonderful, WONDERFUL advice. Isn't it an amazing feeling to be so in love with your story?

  5. Great advice. I think I'll keep using method #1 and 2.

  6. Now just transfer that immersion over to your readers and you will definitely be immersed in success!

  7. Funny! I think that's true. I need to get back to work....

  8. Perfect advice.

    Congrats on winning those three books and receiving the blog award.

    I hope the thrill of everything going to well with your YA novel continues all the way till you seal the deal

  9. 1. No, 2. No, 1. Final answer.

  10. Sometimes simplicity is best. Well said, Lynda. Congrats on winning those books!

  11. Number three! Oh wait...

    Congratulations on winning the books.

    Now, if we don't see you for a week, should we send in the blimps?

  12. Tough choice!! :)

    I love when I disappear into the story - best feeling ever!

  13. Ah yes, hard work and perserverance.

    And patience. Lots of patience.

  14. So true, so true!!

    Congrats on your award & on the prizes! It's great to win stuff eh? :)

  15. Excellent advice and so true. And well done with the prizes.

  16. Hee hee. :) So true. Others have to wait a bit longer than others but hard work and perseverance are needed.

  17. Congrats on all the wins! Yay! Work hard, yes that is important :O)

  18. Hehehe love this post. ^_^

    I love getting immersed in my writing. Just wish sometimes that it wouldn't stay with me so long after I've finished writing for the day.

  19. Oooh... you are on a winning spree. Congrats. Yes...hard work is what gets us there and a good story.

  20. Amen to hard work...a little luck never hurts either :)

  21. Haha! That's great

  22. Good advice no matter how many times it is said, it can never be said enough.

    Tossing It Out

  23. 3. Be famous.

    (Sorry, I had to be a brat :D)

    To be honest though, it isn't famous people publishing books that bothers me. It's the fact that being famous seems to excuse them from writing anything good (or themselves). You should only get the credit if you do the work.

    For the rest of us, you nailed it.

  24. Keep working hard. Your books sounds awesome. I'm working on one in the same genre. :)

  25. That's my method, too.

    Congrats on winning the three books and a blog award.

    Have a great weekend.

  26. Yay, on the immersion and on winning the books. Cool.

  27. Thanks heaps for the congrats. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    Dezzy, haha I had to ask hubby where the hard hat was so I could take a pic! lol

    Alex, just send chocolate ;)

    Aldrea, oh yes! patience is crucial.

    Misha, haha yeah, I've been having trouble sleeping because my mind is in a happy spin.

    Paul, lol yeah I hear ya.

  28. Though I think your advice is sound, I do wonder how you actually know what you've written is a 'good story'? Most writing communities are too nice to say it needs reworking and rarely give constructive criticism.

  29. Deep in the writing is an awesome place to be!

  30. Send agents and publishers cupcakes. I learnt this on Twitter ;)

  31. I'm following the formula, and I hope it pays off.

    I know what you mean about being immersed in your story's world. That happens to me during a rough draft. I get my life back a bit when I'm in the editing stage.

  32. You have the answer - work hard and persevere. You also have to believe that all that hard work will pay off in the end. So, for me it's work hard, have self-belief, and persevere.

    Ellie Garratt

  33. Love it, Lynda!

    Kinda reminds me of the rules my parents set for me, too.

    Simple, straightforward, and hard as heck to obey or follow.

  34. Matthew, I wrote up a post on that very subject recently: How to Know if your Story is Worth Pursuing (posted in May). It's good to find honest crit partners.

    Girl Friday LOL!

    Bryce, hehe yeah, those rules work for everything.


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