
Friday, May 13, 2011

The Power of Our Words

We live in a world that is ultimately understood only through language. It is the writer who has the power to name, create and shape our world – to give us the words we live by.
Chip Rolley, artistic director of the Sydney Writers’ Festival.

The Sydney Writers’ Festival is coming up (16th-22nd May). I’m super excited. The theme this year is power. The writer has the power to create, shape and change the world. When we write a story it’s not just a story. It can shape the way people think. While writing is often a mere reflection of society, it can also shape society.

We can touch people’s soul with our words. We can make people think about issues they wouldn’t normally think about. And it’s subtle. Have you ever read a scene or watched a show that moved you to tears? You know it’s fiction and yet the story or characters have left a mark on you. Our words can influence readers without them even realising. I don’t mean to freak you, but think about that the next time you put pen to paper.

I’ll be busy at the Sydney Writers’ Festival next week. I plan to attend a few workshops, check out the many events and I’ll even be doing some volunteer work for the festival as well. I’ll be back here on Monday 23rd May.

Have a great week.


Pic: a shot of the Opera House from under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.


  1. I think about that nearly every time I put 'pen to paper.' The responsibility to put something positive into the culture is both humbling and inspiring and I rise to the challenge each time, loving what I do.

    Thanks for this beautiful post.

  2. This is so true, and certainly something to think about when writing. Have fun at the festival!

  3. What an excellent festival theme! Have a great time there.

  4. Oh, you are so right. Tahereh Mafi once said, "26 letters can change the world." Simple, yet powerful words.


  5. That's next week! Have a great time and come back ready to attack. (Your writing, not us!)

  6. Words are very powerful indeed. The pen is,is...I don't know,no...really when compared to a ploughshare for instance, really, no, turn that into a sword, yeah mighty fine, like your post.

  7. oooh, I'm excited for you, Lyndy, it sounds like you will have some great and educational time!

  8. I'm super hyped about the YA writing workshop. Wish I could get to more, but it's a bit of a drive. Sadly it seems Canberra has no writers festival anymore - still, a good excuse to travel (I'm heading up to the Brisbane one in September too).

    Enjoy the festival!

    Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers

  9. Knock 'em dead, Lynda! I'll be cheering you on from way over here.

    Words are powerful. It amazes me when I reocmbine them in a sentence how they and their impact can change.

  10. Suze, and I can see your love for the craft too.

    Emily, thanks

    Kate, thanks, I will.

    Justine, I think the simple words are the most powerful.

    Alex, hehe, I'm so excited!

    Anthony, ha, thanks.

    Dezzy, I bet I'll be exhausted by the end of it too...a good exhaustion, though.

    Charmaine, I'm super excited about that workshop too. I hadn't thought about going to Brisbane in September, but it might just be worth it!

    M Pax, thanks for the support and cheers. They are hugely appreciated.

  11. Have a great time at the festival! I watched a movie just this week that moved me to tears, and it was a comedy (with a touch of drama, obviously). Words really can be amazing.

  12. Its so true, Lynda. Our words have the power not just to create and give shape to the images, but also inspire, touch and even heal someone.
    The Sydney Writer's Festival sounds interesting. Have a great time there.

  13. Enjoy the Writer's Fesrival. Sounds fabulous. Love your description of writers touching the soul. :O)

  14. Lynda, I hope you have a great time at the Festival. I'm planning to go to more workshops at the Brisbane Writers Centre which has a permanent home at the STate Library just across the bridge from me.


    Romantic Friday Writers - Second Challenge - Lost.

  15. Awww Lynda R Young!! Have a brilliant festival - it sounds so amazing!!!!! See you soon! Enjoy! Take care

  16. The power of words and their ability to transport me elsewhere is what got me reading first, then writing in an effort to do the same. I am still amazed and awed when I fall into a book completely.

    Enjoy the festical :)

  17. I love it when my heart swells or tears form or when I'm engulfed by fear as I'm reading something.

    Enjoy the festival!

  18. How exciting, I hope you have a wonderful time! :)

  19. I hope I one day get the chance to influence someone! And in a good way!!!

    Have a great time at the conference!!!

    *thinking now of my favorite characters....I miss them. I may just have to go visit a few....*

  20. That's what I love about being a children's author, having an opportunity to enrich young lives and grab the attention of reluctant readers. That's what makes writing so rewarding.

  21. P.S. Have a blast at the writers festival!

  22. Have fun at the festival. It sounds fantastic!

  23. So true. Have a great time at the festival!

  24. Thanks so much for all your well wishes. I'm off to my first (for the festival) workshop today. Exciting!

  25. Have a great time at the festival!

  26. Wow! Sydney writer's festival, have a ball and let us know how it turns out:)

  27. This is so true! Words are powerful.
    Hope you are having the most fabulous time!

  28. I'm a tad jealous. It sounds like an awesome conference. Have a great time! And yes, I've totally been moved by scenes in a book or movie and would love to evoke that kind of emotion in my own readers.

  29. Power of words. Something to think about even when writing blog posts.--Inger

  30. Awesome! I'm jeaulous I can't be there. I hope you have lots of fun and useful info to share with us when you get back. Have fun!

  31. It sounds like a wonderful conference. Have a great time!

  32. I hope you're having a good time at the Writers' Festival! Report back, tell us how it was. :D

    I'm sad I didn't get up to Sydney this time while in Australia. Seeing the Opera House picture makes me all mournful. Woe! Next time. <3

  33. Update: I'm having a fantabulous time at the Sydney Writers' Festival. I'm super exhausted and there's two more days to go! It's been brilliant.


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