
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Z is for Zero

I got nothing.

Congrats to everyone who finished the A-Z Challenge. It's been a fun journey and I've met so many wonderful people. I'll admit the last few letters were a struggle. I'm ready to get back to my regular schedule of posting three days a week. Plus I'm looking forward to having more time to write again. Yay!

Would I do it again? Absolutely!

Well done to Arlee Bird, the founder of the challenge and to the hosts:

Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out
Jeffrey Beesler at World of the Scribe
Alex J. Cavanaugh at Alex J. Cavanaugh
Jen Daiker at Unedited
Candace Ganger at The Misadventures in Candyland
Karen J Gowen at Coming Down the Mountain
Talli Roland at Talli Roland
Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs

You guys rock!

Whether you took part in the challenge or not, what did you enjoy most about A-Z April?


  1. Z was tough for me, too.

    It was fun, but I'm glad to go back to posting 3x a week, too. I sitll have a lot of blogs to visit. Yikes :D

  2. He he he I've noticed that most of you struggled with X,Y and Z, not exactly the popular letters :)

    Congrats to all of you and our dear Arlee Bird!

  3. All of the creative posts! Those that went with a theme did well.
    Thanks for acknowledging my fellow co-hosts.

  4. Congrats on finishing the challenge. It has been so fun to read your posts because you are a day ahead of me.

  5. Is it Saturday already? Still Friday on this part of the world :o)

  6. Well done you!!! Yay for finishing!!!! Woo-hoooo!!!!

    I'm glad for May! ;-) Take care

  7. I agree anyone who wandered the blogosphere this month gets high marks from me!

  8. You did it! Congrats! I'd never have been able to manage it, but it was really fun seeing what the participants came up with!

  9. Thank you for the kind recognition. So I see that the end is beginning. My last post is scheduled to go up while I'm catching some Z's.

    Hope to see you at the Reflections post-- A Linky list will be going up on early Sunday my time.

    Hope you'll join us for The A to Z Challenge Reflections Post on Monday May 2nd.


  10. I think next year we should have the weekends off altogether.

    My Z goes up this evening and I'll be so pleased to put it all behind me and go back to blogging 2, at most 3 times a week. That shows respect to your followers too.

    Can't wait to get back to quality time on the WIPs.


    A - Z - Y

  11. I enjoyed all the great new blogs I've found for writers!
    It also felt like it brought us all a bit closer when we're communicating nearly ever day :)

    Hyped to see you're attending that workshop for the SWF - look forward to seeing you there!

    Wagging Tales - Blog for Writers

  12. If I'd even tried the challenge, Z would have been easy--Zany Zan's Zealous round up or something like that. ; ) Of course, I didn't even try. I did make sure my titles during the challenge were the correct letter of the day. Congrats to all of you who did it and to the hosts!

  13. I've enjoyed "meeting" new people, getting to know old friends better. But it's been pretty exhausting. And...I'd probably do it again cause I'm such a glutton for punishment!

  14. I still have one more to go. Really would be great if I can do it tonight so tomorrow will feel like a holiday. Only negative for me was not being able to visit the blogs I used to as regularly.

  15. I thought it was heaps better than last year. And I would definately do it again. It was nice to meet you :)

  16. I enjoyed posting regularly (every day) though I'll probably go back to once every couple of days again after this, and finding a lot of friends with good blogs.

    Duncan In Kuantan

  17. Loved all your posts, they sure were xtra creative and Xtraordinary. I should have said Zmazing keeping the alphabet in mind.

    Regarding your previous post, I too hate cuss words and MG fiction (thank God for it) wont allow or tolerate the swear words.

    Btw..I was just going to ask you what genre you write and you answered it in the previous post. :)

  18. Lynda, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

  19. Lynda,
    My Celebration Blogfest is off and rolling. Come by and check it out.

  20. It's been a lot of fun, but I, too am glad to see it end!

  21. I am so grateful to the organizers of this challenge and I'm looking forward to next year!

  22. Hahaha, totally love it! Zero.. :) For your amazing work for the A-Z Challenge I have a small award for you. Stop by mt blog and copy the cute button!

  23. you guys are awesome. You did it! Congrats! Now get some rest. And get ready for some hilarity~ :D

  24. Even though it was time-consuming, I loved every minute of it. I've met lots of new bloggers and learnt scheduling blogs does work!

    Congratulations on making it to the end of the challenge. I'm so glad I met you through A to Z and I am looking forward to following your blogging journey.

    Ellie Garratt

  25. I didn't participate, but boy was there some energy around the place.

  26. Hello Lynda. Just when I think my Internet access is working propperly it konks out again. I tried to post a comment a few minutes ago but once again this infernal network stopped me. Tried to take part in the challenge but in the end couldn't. Z is for Zambia in central Africa by the way, lived there as a kid. God bless you my new friend, hope to be able to visit you often. Geoff.

  27. A huge thank you for everyone's comment. I took the weekend off -- a much needed break. I'll catch up and visit everyone's blog as soon as I can :)

    Thanks Stephanie for the cute button and thanks Elizabeth for the great award.

    Lee, I won't be able to take part in the reflections post because I've prescheduled all my posts for the week (in an attempt to take a break), but I will try to visit everyone taking part. Thanks again for this fantastic challenge.

  28. Making the commitment and writing everyday!

  29. Joyce, and the big question is, will you continue to do that?


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