
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

J is for the Jam Donuts of Writing

Some writing is like a jam donut: too sugary and full of unneeded fat. And yet, it’s often addictive. Once you have one, you want more and you think you’re satisfied. This kind of writing can often be fun to read (as long as you can hush your inner editor), just be careful: Read too many and you could pick up bad habits.

Some writing is like aged wine. It takes time to develop and has amazing depth of flavour which lingers long after it’s been consumed. This is the kind of writing we need to revisit, the kind that will inspire us and push us to do better.

What would you liken your writing to? What's your favourite style of writing you like to read?

Pic: I couldn’t bring myself to buy a jam donut because I know I would have eaten it and I’d rather chocolate as my prime fat/sugar delivery system. Instead I tried taking a picture of jam. It ended up looking like zombie brains. I settled for a close-up of sugar.

Note: This post is part of the A-Z Challenge. To learn more about the challenge click the image on my sidebar.


  1. That's true. I read Amanda Hocking's Trylle Trilogy and enjoyed it. I did have to hush my inner editor and her stories had holes the size of doughnuts in them but they were enjoyable.

    I would probably liken my first book to hers however, and maybe that's why I enjoyed her trilogy so much. I want my writing to develop more substance and depth however.

    I recently read Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. His writing style blows my mind. He makes the situations being described seem so real, so plausible as if they really happened. He seems to have a firm grasp of the human psyche.

  2. With this new series I am trying to have more depth. The entire "situation" my MC's go through is something that could happen to us, the reader, and I try to bring that out in my writing. Hopefully it works!

  3. My writing is stinky cheese at the moment but with aspirations! LOL!

    I think my favourite writing style would be aged wine with a dash of sweetness! Take care

  4. Although in food I'd never chose wine over donuts, in reading I'd always chose wine over donuts :)

    And now I'm hungry!

  5. When I was young I was an impatient writer, but these days I sit and sit and sit on a manuscript, putting it away, revising, putting it away, waiting for betas' input, etc. I liken it to pickling, I suppose. The wine analogy sounds classier though.

  6. I try to avoid the sugary kind of books as my goal is to go deeper and really challenge the reader to come along for the journey. Not sure I am succeeding though but it's the plan!

  7. Sherri, I haven't read Ishiguro's work but it sounds interesting.

    Brea, making a story relatable is win

    Old Kitty, hahaaha I love stinky cheese! There's so much flavour to stinky cheese ;)

    Dezzy, hehe nicely put.

    Medeia, haah pickling. I like it!

    Terri, and it's a good plan.

  8. Interesting post. I'd have opted for getting the jelly donut, of course only to take a picture of it, NOT! LOL

  9. I love to mix lush description with mystery, human conditions, and tragedies.

    Desert is my favorite and needs to be there, but I first want the meal.

  10. Susanne, hahaha. I was tempted ;)

    Michael, well said.

  11. My writing aspires to be chocolate mousse but is currently more like chocolate pudding :)

  12. I guess I liken my writing to a slow, hot cup of coffee and a sweet, chocolate bar that is my very own. (No kidlets grabbing it.)

    Mmmm, jam donut. Now I want one. Duncan sells them. :-)

  13. I'd like to think of my writing as something akin to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a banana. Fun, gooey and healthy. Gooey

  14. Depends on the mood, really. Sometimes I want the jam donut; other times I need the wine.

  15. Just say no to jammed donuts! But once a month, say yes.
    I like Preston and Child's style of writing, but I'm nowhere near that. Maybe closer to Timothy Zahn, but again, not nearly that level.
    And I plan to announce what I got with the Amazon gift certificate - and winning your 500 followers giveaway - on Thursday. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to slip it into a post before!

  16. Oh donuts. I've just learned of a donut place near my that has bacon donuts.
    I read some of the sugary books sometimes but prefer well written books.
    Sometimes I read books that have a big buzz about them to see what the writer did and what people like about them.

  17. Great analogy! Mine's probably more like a donut than wine, but hopefully not too much! As far as reading, I really don't like books I have to think too much about, so maybe I'm a donut fan there, too.

  18. I love food parallels :) This was so funny. I'd definitely compare my writing to an aged wine - better an better with revision.

  19. Susanna, hahaha brilliant! (I love anything to do with chocolate)

    Robyn, your writing must be awesome then ;)

    Bish, gooey is win :)

    Susan, oh definitely!

    Alex, I like your once a month rule ;) Oh cool! I've been curious about your prize. I wasn't even sure you recieved it right because I'm not so good when it come to technology and I'd never sent off a gift card before LOL. (I always assume I'll get it wrong hahaha)

  20. Carrie, bacon donuts???? I can't even imagine bacon donuts. lol.

    Susan, my tastes are also a little more mainstream--I just hope it's quality mainstream :)

    Alexis, oh yes! A full bodied shiraz ;)

  21. The style I go for is something most people will relate to, simple and direct and I hope to pack an emotional wallop. I hope to get better with time, add more depth and psychology as I mature.

  22. I like this idea. I don't know what my writing would be like but I know what I love the most. Sour candy. It totally relates to writing. You have to get through some of the sour parts of the book to get to the really sweet parts! Totally worth it. And it makes the sweet that much better :)

  23. I must admnit, I love turning off that inner editor from time to time and reading me some fat and sugar!

  24. My writing has withered like a neglected piece of fruit while I've been poorly, but gradually my writing mojo is returning. I thibk the best writing is like a delicious meal with moorish flavours. :O)

  25. I love thinking of my writing like wine. However, some of my fiction can be more like donuts. I'm trying to do more wine fiction.

  26. I would like to think that my writing leaves the reader with a gentle aftertaste that takes its own sweet time to leave. Am struggling hard to cover the holes and avoid the cliches that sometimes crop up.

    Loved the previous post. I tie my muse to a chair beside me.

  27. Fun post comparing writing to wine and jelly donuts is brilliant. I like wine, but can not stomach anything too sweet. My teeth hurt just thinking about it. I go for more spicy writing accompanied with wine and finished of with some coffee, just to keep the reader awake...LOL!

  28. Now you have my craving jam donuts! Is such a thing allowed at 9am in the morning?!

  29. LOL. I'm thinking a jammie dodger. You munch through the harder top layer giving birth to your first draft. Then you eat the delicate soft inside while you edit. Finally, it's another crusty layer to go through when you send it out into the world!

    Ellie Garratt

  30. Myne, simple and direct is good

    Michelle, haha love it!

    Amie, me too ;)

    Madeleine, yep, it does that when we neglect it.

    Clarissa, hehe I'm in the same boat

  31. Rachna, lol I love your comment about your muse.

    Siv, hehe a little spicy is good.

    Book Gatherer, hmm, a jam donut in the'd be wired until lunchtime ;)

    Ellie, hahaha love it!

  32. This is terrific. I know I get addicted those jelly donut stories, and now I shudder to think what's percolating the brain. Right now I'd liken my writing to jalapeno poppers, bite on the outside with cheesy goodness in the middle. LOL


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