
Friday, April 1, 2011

Apply Thyself

As part of the A-Z challenge this month I will post Monday to Saturday with short tips for writing (corresponding to the letter of the alphabet).

Today’s tip: a writer has to Apply herself to be able to run the distance required for successful publication – whether it’s traditional publication or self-publication. It doesn’t just happen. It’s not a matter of luck. It requires hard work and dedication to the craft of writing.

What do you do to apply yourself?


  1. That's very true. I try to make lists and set goals. I find it helps me keep focus and apply myself to keep it up.

  2. SO true. Writing may be fun, but it's also work. And just like any other industry, you need to work hard to succeed.

    Great post!

  3. Amen! I just started writing full time from home and I have to keep myself on a strict schedule so I don't get side tracked!!!

  4. I love hard work. It makes the reward at the end of it even more satisfying. Yay to A-Z :)

  5. A perfect beginning. You won't get anywhere as a writer without this A.

  6. Cherie, setting goals is a great way of staying focussed.

    Emily, that's exactly right :)

    Brea, congrats! It is hard not to get side tracked at home ;)

    Niki, welcome! So true! :)

    Ann, hehe thanks :)

  7. I find that when writing becomes work, I need alittle break. I well take the evening and read a little and spend time in the tub.

    THe next night im always ready to go.

  8. Oh yes! Tub time is also important (and reading time too of course)

  9. 2 simple words that can make miracles happen! I'll remember this. I look forward to more of your posts!

  10. Yay!! A for Applying oneself!!! Entering competitions or pretending to sometimes kickstarts my writerly inspirations!

    Thanks for a great tip!! take care

  11. Before we can do anything we must apply ourselves it seems. Good choice of the letter A, especially to get started.

    Alex hit the nail squarely on the head, persistence, and consistency is the key for me.

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  12. does this apply if a writer is HIMSELF instead of just HERSELF? :)))

    An off -topic, how did the hubs like the new hair? :))

  13. This applies to anything we do in life. If you're gonna do something right then you've got to actually start and do it.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  14. I'm about to apply myself with much misery to my millionth round of edits!

  15. Hi Lynda! I am also participating in the A-Z Challenge. Doing the challenge while giving tips for writing is quite an endeavor. I am really excited to read your entries!

  16. KarenG, miracles? Absolutely!

    Old Kitty, yes! entering competitions is a good way of applying yourself to writing.

    Alex, good one :)

    Gregg, yes, indeed. Fantastic verse btw :)

    Michelle, lol, yep I have days like that.

  17. Dezzy, I was wondering if anyone would pick me up on that :P And yes, hubs loves the new hair...he does think it needs more highlights though...hahahaha.

    Lee, so true!

    Alexia, lol, I can relate! Wait until you get to the gazillionth! ;)

    Mist, welcome! That's brilliant. I'm looking forward to reading yours too :)

  18. So true - applying ourselves is huge! It takes a lot of commitment to become a writer! :)

  19. so true. I like it! These A-Z posts are going to be fun! :o) <3

  20. So true! A lot of what I call butt to chair time!

  21. I do try. And when I really try I succeed. Looking forward to more sage advice.

  22. I treat my writing as a professional. I feel it's important to follow a schedule, just as I would for any other job.

  23. oh crap. i'm in trouble then... :)

  24. Great tip!
    I think I apply myself by writing more and reading more... learning through doing

  25. I sign up for blog challenges that force me to blog daily

  26. True that! Luck is usually preceded by a lot of hard work and preparation.

  27. Great tip! So true (and so succinctly put)

  28. Thanks so much for your comments...and enthusiasm for the challenge. It will be brilliant :)

    lol aspiring and Charmaine :P

  29. Very, very true, but I tend to sag a bit! Kind regards, Carole.

  30. I make myself keep at it and set tiny goals each week:)

  31. Since I write devotionals as well as fiction, I start my day with the latest devotional project. It's working so far. And it has the effect of making my goal to write every day easier. ; )

  32. 'Snice short post. Thanks Lynda for applying yourself and visiting mine!


  33. Very true. I agree with your view. Right now I am reading a Writing Craft book to improve my skills.

  34. Probably one of the best pieces of advice a writer can get. So many people don't realize just how much hard work it takes, and they give up when they realize it's not going to fall into their lap or come with a small amount of work. I've been trying to get on a schedule so that I can be more productive and dedicate more time to applying myself. Great post!

  35. Schedules help me. They also help me feel guilty when I stray!

  36. Absolutely, "apply" is a great word. Read in your genre, research how to query and write, and write write WRITE! (don't get too sidetracked with social networking). :) Now I just have to follow all that...sometimes I'm better than others at it!

  37. Work on it every day! Apply thyself - great A-day post!

    I love your blog! I've given you an award!! You can pick it up from my blog:

  38. what a great tip. To many people don't apply themselves.

  39. How do I apply myself? I keep writing and submitting and revising! Good post!

  40. I keep going, writing, reading, learning and writing some more.

  41. Good tip, Lynda. Blogging takes a deal of application. I'm applying myself by doing this A-Zing. No kidding.
    Wanna buy a duck

  42. Tough words, and true. I start my day with coffee and the newspaper, then read a bit of fiction to get my mind working. Then it's writing and more writing.

  43. wow, many comments while I slept :)
    Thanks so much. I'll get to each and every one of you.

    Welcome to Carole, Baygirl32 and Manzanita.

    A pattern has emerged from the commetns too: to apply ourselves we have to do -- write, write and write some more. Schedules, learning the craft, reading and more writing.

  44. What do I do to apply myself? lol, I breath :)Nice start and I see you are already on to the second letter which is b. will have to read that one next.

  45. We only get better with constant practice. This a-z thing is a great way to apply ourselves, i think. :P


  46. You said it! I try to apply what I've learned over the past 2+ years to my writing. I think it's helped. ;)

  47. So very true. I look forward to your up coming posts and tips :)


  48. You are so right! My first novel was basically finished by Christmas of 2007, but it took until recently to take the steps toward getting it out in the world. Now it's e-published!

    Looking forward to sharing the month with you!

  49. Love this post! I apply myself by putting butt to chair. LOL.

  50. I'm a big planner in the initial stages. I'm a fan of spreadsheets and charts and what not. I tend to wing it pretty much straight after that bit but that's how I apply myself and get myself in gear.


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