
Monday, March 21, 2011

Just Write

This is my motto and my motivator: Just write

This is what I tell people when they ask me how to write a novel: Just write.

This is the greatest advice I can give about writing: Just write.

This is what I do when I hit the dreaded writer’s block: Just write.

This is what I do when I get discouraged:

I just keep writing.

Full steam ahead.

Do you have a motto or a motivational phrase?

Contest: Theresa is also holding a 500 followers contest with lots of brilliant prizes. Be sure to pop on over and check it out.


  1. God Help Me.

    That's the phrase that goes through my mind. Funnily enough, it works.


  2. Great answer to just about anything!

  3. I love that. As simple as it is, it's very true. Just write. <3

  4. I think that phrase says it all!! Yay! Just write! Take care

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Jai, I like that phrase even better :)

    Lisa, Lori, Lisa, Alex and Old Kitty, thanks

  7. Gah! I keep accidentally posting under my husband's profile! People are going to start getting confused...sigh. So Lynda...I love this phrase, that's all I'm trying to say. :) And I'm sorry if you were confused before....

  8. it's a simple but great advice, Lyndy! As someone who doesn't believe in plans before writing, I could totally relate to this motto!

  9. I need to get a tattoo of that phrase :)

  10. That is the same motto I use. Somedays I don't have to remind myuself so often.

  11. That's much like my personal motto for everything that gets tough. "Read one note at a time." I sing and I like reminding myself to focus on the job at hand instead of trying to do too much too far ahead. It works for writing too. I can see myself chanting the Just Write, One Note (word) at a Time, and God Help Me in endless round. LOL!

  12. I don't have a motto. Can I borrow yours?

  13. Your advice is excellent! May favorite motto that I borrowed from someone else is "first get it written, then get it right."

  14. Just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing writing writing =D

  15. This is a great one to get you through the angsty, indecision-ridden moments of the first draft. I like Julie M's addition--then get it right! That's a good second draft mantra.

  16. That's a great motto! I should make it my screensaver.

  17. Just Write. Simple, but totally effective. It's perfect! Might have to replace my old: "No one's doing it for you" motto. Though, that one is mostly for

  18. That phrase is on a post-it on my computer screen, on bright pink so I am sure to read it when I sit down to write... Just write! I hope I don't lose steam though.

  19. No kidding! And a lot of writers (ahem, me sometimes too) are busily doing other things...blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking, etc. Even reading; it's good up to a point but it can be used to procrastinate doing what we're supposed to be doing as writers!

  20. Yup, pretty much the same thing! Seems to work no matter the context or obstacle.

  21. great tips. I actually don't have a motivational phrase. :-)

  22. So succinct and so true! Thanks for the reminder. I don't really have a motto. But I like yours!

  23. Yes. Never give up. Never surrender. I like yours, too.

  24. Valerie, aah, that explains it. lol.

    Dezzy, hehehe, I do plan before I write now too(well, for novels, not so much short stories) but the motto still works.

    Jess, haha

    Susan, lol, same.

    Zan, also good advice :)

    KarenG, absolutely

    Julie, I like that!

  25. Natalie, yep, sometimes it's like an echo in my head

    MorningAJ, hehe

    Sarah, I like it too :)

    Clarissa, and wallpaper the walls with it ;)

    Colene, hhaa I like that too!

    Jessica, I put post it notes everywhere. When you begin to lose steam...just write ;)

  26. Carol, yes!! seriously! That's my main problem at the moment--I'm using social media as an excuse to procrastinate. Um-ah.

    Talli, even works for dieting. Do I want that donut? No! Just write! see?

    Misha, I'm impressed.

    Elizabeth, thanks

    M Pax, haha I LOVE your motto. It's brilliant.

  27. just keep swimming...

    it's similar. :D <3

  28. Full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes! I love your attitude!

  29. I don't have a particular motto, but yeah, this one really says it all! Advice which sounds so simple, but it's still hard to follow...

  30. Just Write and keep writing and ofcourse Be Positive.

  31. Love, love, love this advice!

    Thanks for sharing it.


  32. Excellent advice. What else can you do, really?

  33. LTM, hehe yep :)

    Stephen, lol! awesome!

    Adina, yes indeed. Sometimes it sounds like a chant when it gets hard.

    Rachna, yes! being positive is important.

    Martina, :)

    Shari, well... we could wallow and lament, doubt and stare into space... ;)

  34. Wise words. I've never thought about it before, but what I always end up telling myself when I'm blocked, or desperate, or discouraged, or I don't have time, or anything, is this: Write or die.

    That sounds so dramatic! But this is basically me throwing my hands up in the air and going "I don't care about all those problems anymore. I'm going to write if it kills me." And then I mentally chant "write or die" to myself until I'm too caught up writing to remember.


  35. Hi Mandy, "write or die" might sound dramatic but if it works then it's brilliant! :)


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