
Friday, March 11, 2011

Award Palooza

I will break from my usual topic to say a huge thank you to those who have recently given me an award.

Stylish Blogger Award: Thanks Jessica @ Jessica A. Briones ‘A Wannabe Writer’ and Zan Marie @ In the Shade of the Cherry Tree

One Lovely Blog Award: Thanks Deborah @ Deborah Walker’s Bibliography and Crystal @ Crossroads

Friends for the Journey Award: Thanks Alex J. Cavanaugh

The Rules for Passing It On:
1. Pass it on to 7 other bloggers and tell how they've encouraged you.
2. Please let your recipients know that it started at Beautiful Chaos.
3. Leave a comment on this post when you've posted on your blog.

This was difficult. There are so many fantabulous bloggers who have encouraged me on my journey. Plus, some people I’d love to give the award to have already received it from someone else—such as Alex, because he rocks, his book CassaStar rocks, his generosity rocks, and his blog rocks. What am I to do? I’ll do my best.

To Dezzy @ HollywoodSpy 
Even though Dezzy isn’t a writer striving to gain publication, he has encouraged me in more ways than he could possibly know. His friendship means a lot to me.

To Carol @ Artzicarol Ramblings
In the relatively short time we’ve known each other, Carol has won my heart. She is a fantastic writer and a skilled critiquer. I feel blessed to be able to call her my friend.

To Denise @ L’Aussie Writing
Denise is an amazing blogger and a fellow Aussie. I don’t know how she finds the time to maintain all her blogs and produce fabulous writing as well. She has a generous spirit and always has something interesting to say.

To M Pax @ Wistful Nebulae
Mary’s passion for everything she does is a sight to behold. She doesn’t let anything hold her back. She’s given me a new appreciation for hard work, dedication, and the stars.

To Terri @ Terri Tiffany Inspirational Writer
A fellow Christian writer, Terri’s blog posts and comments have encouraged me for almost a year now. I love her honesty and enthusiasm.

To Karen @ Coming Down the Mountain
I like the way Karen thinks. She is generous, open, and eager to help and encourage other writers. And her BBQs are brilliant.

I could keep going but this is starting to turn into an uber-long post. Next week I will run a competition to celebrate 500 followers (if I reach that awesome number).


  1. ahhh, now I need a tissue to wipe the tears away :)
    How do you know I'm not a writer striving to gain publication? :)
    I'm honoured by the award, Lyndylove, you know you've always been Dezzy's favourite angel, but don't let anyone hear, they might get jealous :))

    I shall proudly display the award at my sidebar for everyone to see it!

    And I didn't know MPax is Mary :) Now I know her name. Love her too.

    And congrats on 500 followers! You're now officially more popular than any of the NEIGHBORS stars :)

  2. Wow, it seems like everyone is giving and getting awards! Congrats.

  3. Aw, you are so sweet, Lyn! I feel the same way about you. *sniff* Thanks for the award!

    Looks like I need to have an award post myself one of these days. :) Happy Friday to you, since in AussieLand it's obviously already Friday!

  4. You made my day!! Thank you for your kind words:)))

  5. Dezzy, I assumed you weren't striving for publication because you have often said "If I were..." Oh and I've not reached 500 yet. Close though.

    Clarissa, yup. I picked up 5 awards in one week. Wowzers.

  6. Carol, hehe yep, Friday morning and I haven't even had breakfast yet...eeek!

    Terri, hugs. I like this particular award because we don't often get a chance to tell each other how much we appreciate one another. It's something we all need to do more often.

  7. Thank you Aussie sweetness. You are too generous. Congrats on these lovely awards and for passing them on to such *ahem* lovely people.


  8. ooo. i'm glad it made it to Karen G. she's a great blogging friend.

  9. Yay, congrats on your latest awards Lynda! :D

  10. Wow, congratulations on all the awesome awards! And I'll bet you'll reach 500 before then :)

  11. Congrats on all those awards and all those followers - well deserved!!! :)

  12. Congrats on all the awards and on the almost 500 followers. That's quite a big milestone.

  13. Yay!! Congratulations with these wonderful awards!! Take care

  14. Thanks, Lynda! You rock! Excellent choices to receive that awards.

  15. Congrats on your award, Lynda and congrats to the awardees.

  16. Congrats on all the awards! Have a terrific weekend.

  17. Congratulations on the awards! :)

    You're so close to 500 Followers! Awesome.

    Have a great weekend.

  18. Awww, thanks! You're awesome. You gave me a new beginning. :D

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  19. Congrats on the awards, Lynda!

    And to all those special bloggers who you choose to receive it.


    Have a great weekend.

  20. Congrats on the awards Lynda, and thanks for following.

    I'll check out some of those wonderful blogs you listed. Cheers and have a lovely weekend.

  21. Congrats on all your awards! Fab stuff!


  22. I'm sure you'll get to 500 pretty soon. Congrats on the awards.

  23. That's quite a armful of award. Fantastic.

  24. Congratulations on all of the awards and for having almost 500 followers. WTG!

    Have a super weekend!

  25. L'Aussie, hehe you deserve ti :)

    Michelle, couldn't miss her

    Trisha, thanks

    Words Crafter, nope, not quite there yet

    Jemi, thanks so much

    Lisa, it is. Hope I reach it soon

    Old Kitty, thanks

  26. Alex, no you! :)

    Rachna, thanks

    Summer, thanks. you too

    Golden, 497 follows is such a tease. so close!

    M Pax, hugs

    Michael, thanks

    Myne, thanks. Hope you had a great weekend too

  27. Jai, thanks

    JL Campbell, thanks. Hope so.

    Deborah, it is :)

    Robert, it is a fantastic community.

    Sharon, thanks so much. I had a great weekend.

  28. CONGRATS on your awards and CONGRATS to everyone you have bestowed the Friends for the Journey award to!

    You are sooo close to having 500 followers!


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