
Friday, February 11, 2011

Writers Platform-Building Crusade

Gone are the days when publishers did all our promotions for us. As writers, we need to be more proactive. We need to build a platform to show our potential agents, publishers, readers, we are here, we are authors, and we are passionate about our work.

Rachael Harrie at Rach Writes has come up with a fantastic idea that will help us to do this: the Writers' Platform-Building Crusade. Her plan is to bring writers of all levels together to help build each other’s online platform. It’s a great initiative.

The Crusade will run from February 1st until April 30th. It’s never too late to join. Just click on the link to find out more.

Secondly, I’d just like to let everyone know I finished reading Alex J Cavanaugh’s CassaStar. In fact, I read it so fast, I think I inhaled it.

I loved it. Loved it! If you haven’t read it yet, go pick up a copy, sit back in your favourite chair, and enjoy.


  1. I love when I finish reading a book and the only thing I want to do, is read it again.

  2. Happy, they are rare, but yep, it's awesome when that happens.

  3. I am looking forward to this crusade.

  4. Thankfully it happens to me a lot. I'm a big re-reader of fun books.

  5. Going to check it out now, thanks for the info.

  6. The Crusade sounds like an awesome idea, count me in!
    Also, yay for CassaStar! Wasn't it awesome? :)-

  7. this platform building business is lovely and dangerous at the same time, because it might mean that some bad books might get a lot of attention around the web just because the writer has a lot of online friends. That's the tricky part. Fortunately we've seen a lot of nice books being promoted all around the net thanks to the united energy of bloggers :)

  8. Lynda, I am thrilled you enjoyed it so much! Can I quote you on the inhaling? Thanks!!!

  9. The Crusade sounds interesting, I'll have to pop over there and check it out. Thanks for the link!

  10. I was thinking of doing it but thought I was already too late. :P

  11. Ann, same :)

    Happy, I'm a newcomer to e-reading. Took me ages to wrestle my kindle off my hubby too. I'm enjoying it immensely.

    Bethany, hope to see you in the ranks :)

    Jamie, Yay to a new crusader! And YES! Cassastar was brilliant. More please.

  12. I've got my CassaStar and I'm loving it!!! I'm a very slow reader but I'm savouring his words and they are just amazing!! Good luck to you fab Crusaders!! Go forth and Crusade! yay!

    Take care

  13. Dezzy-baby-hun, this is so very true. I've yet to be won over by self-pubbed books. It's not because of their stories, it's because of their lack of editing. Poor Bob (inner editor) screams in my head whenever I read poor grammar, dodgey sentence structure, lack of punctuation, and typoes gallore. I see so much potential go to waste. And then, if the author is a part of a fantastic and generous community, how do we help to promote them? I honestly want them to do well, but I can't say it's a great book if it isn't.

  14. Alex, hehe sure thing. I'll admit, I was nervous about reading your book in case I didn't like it. I almost didn't tell you I bought it. But then all the fears vanished when I did read it. I'll happily say again, I LOVED CASSASTAR! Now, hurry up and finish the sequel ;)

  15. KatieO, please do :)

    Stina, it's never too late :)

    Old Kitty, yep, I'm a slow reader as well, that's why it surprised me how fast I managed to read the book. A sign of a good book to me ;)

  16. The Crusade has just begun, but already it has been a great experience.

  17. i don't understand this whole platform building thing... i blog to learn... maybe building a platform comes later?

  18. I loved CassaStar as well - great characters and story line! :)

  19. hi, stopping by to say hi while on crusade!

  20. This sounds great... I will check it out :)

  21. Heather, yes for sure!

    Aspiring, you can build a platform and still learn. In fact, you are building a platform without realising it -- which is the best way to build it because that way it's not in everyone's face.

    Jemi, yes! great characters and the story always moved forward. Loved it.

    Kerrin, hi fellow crusader :)

    WritingNut, yay! :)

  22. Thanks for the Crusade info! I followed Rachel's blog and am considering doing the Crusade...not sure I have enough time, but we'll see. Sounds like one big happy blogfest. LOL

    I wrote down CassaStar (AGAIN, to make sure I read it), since you so enthusiastically endorsed it. :)

  23. I hope to get to Alex's book soon.

  24. Another fun Crusader ....YAY!

    It should be a blast.


  25. Carol, Time is a massive issue for me at the moment, but I went ahead anyway. And, yes, I think you'll enjoy Cassastar as well :)

    M Pax, I'd love to know what you think about it if you do :)

    Michael, I'm already having fun crusading :)

    Golden, YAY! :)

  26. I joined the Crusade too - should be lots of fun!

    I haven't read CassaStar yet, but it's on the TBR list. Thanks for the recommendation!

  27. argh! Yes--must get Alex's book. I keep hearing so many good things about it. Thanks, Lynda~ :o)

  28. This crusade sounds great. Will surely check it out. Thanks for the info, Lynda.

  29. I'm so excited about the crusade. It can mean so much to so many.

    Glad you enjoyed Alex's book so much. I've given it to a Year 10 boy to read so I'll be interested to get a young person's view.

    I liked your previous post also.

    Go Lynda!


  30. Susan, Elizabeth, and LTM - I hope you enjoy it when you do read it.

    Thanks Denise - let me know what he thinks of it.

    Thanks again, Lynda. Really needed this after reading a crappy review on Friday.

  31. Hi Lynda

    I have just bought my copy of Cassastar (I know, I know - always behind the times!) Looking forward to it immensely. I have to finish my other promised reads first though. *sigh*

    I remember finding you before, but somehow your blog had dropped off my radar. Happy to have found you again through the crusade!


  32. Susan, yay! good to hear :)

    Elizabeth, I think it's worth it

    LTM, must! ;)

    Rachna, yep, the crusade is a great initiative.

    L'Aussie, oh yes, I'd love to know what a year 10 boy would think of the book.

  33. Clarissa, yes indeedy! :)

    Alex, I say pfft to crappy reviews. We can't please everyone. We can only take joy in the awesome ones and know it's all worth it in the end!

    Dominic, oh, awesome to hear. I hope you enjoy it! I reckon you will :)
    And welcome...again! :)

  34. This sounds very interesting and maybe very helpful. I also loved CassaStar!

  35. Pat, oh yay! So glad you enjoyed Cassastar too :)

  36. I won an Amazon gift card yesterday and just ordered a few books form my wish list. Hope I can be as enthusiastic about them as you are:))

  37. Hi Crusader! I'm dropping in to say hello. Will be back soon to look around better.

  38. just popped in to sat hi and have fun on the crusade


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