
Monday, January 24, 2011

Top Ten Countdown – Music that Inspires

Today I’m taking part in Alex J Cavanaugh’s Top Ten Countdown Music Blogfest. We are supposed to be listing our ten favourite songs of all time, but instead I will be listing the ten songs/albums that I listen to while I write. Below is the music that inspires me.

10. Hallelujah – Rufus Wainwright (from the Shrek Soundtrack). I’ve heard other versions, but I like this one the best. I don’t often listen to music with lyrics while I write but I’ve put a few in this list because of their inspirational value. This one can be a tad distracting, but I love it anyway.

9. Good Monsters – Jars of Clay. This is the only full album I’ve listed with lyrics. This makes great background music for writing because it broadens my imagination and helps to give my stories a life of their own.

8. Braveheart Soundtrack – London Symphony Orchestra. This soundtrack is not distracting and has enough power in the music that it helps me visualise scenes. Also good for sad scenes, particularly the main title.

7. Songs of Sanctuary – by Adiemus. This album is an old one but great for writing because it’s gentle. It has a tribal feel without being distracting.

6. Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack. Again, this makes great background music for writing. I particularly like “The Courier”.

5. Of These, Hope – Peter Gabriel. Amazing piece of music with a great beat and strength to it. I find this highly inspirational for my writing.

4. Bali –by Jalan Jalan. Favourite song on the album is “Lotus”. This album is soft. Great for writing quiet, thoughtful scenes. It also has a Malaysian note which makes me think of a cool breeze through the jungle.

3. Uprising – Muse. One of the few songs with lyrics that I’ll listen to while I write. It has a strong beat which is great for strong, angry or fast scenes.

2. Battlestar Galactica Soundtracks. Seasons 1-4. I think my favourite is “Storming New Caprica” from season 3. It’s great for writing fast scenes.

1. The Dark Knight Soundtrack. This is my current favourite music for writing. In particular I love “Like a Dog Chasing Cars”. It’s powerful, emotive and I see a hundred pictures in the music. I play this to death. I play this for any scene, but it works well for pivotal scenes.

What do you listen to when you write?


  1. Ooooh, Adiemus was such a great project back in the 90's and the ADIEMUS song is such a classic for all who love ambient music!

    Love the UPRISING from Muse too!

  2. I did a slightly different take on Alex's blogfest as well - I'll be posting tomorrow. :)

    I'm definitely going to check out Adiemus and The Dark Knight soundtrack (loved the movie). Always looking for writing music and these seem right up my alley.

  3. Dezzy, a friend recommended Adiemus to me and I'm so glad he did.

    Liz, they are two completely different styles of music, but I love them both.

  4. Wow!! Oh I do like the first Shrek soundtrack - all of it!! Hallelujah and You belong to me being my favourite!!!

    What great choices - I tend to go for soppy big ballads to inspire me!!! Take care

  5. Old Kitty, oh yes! the soppy ballads are awesome.

  6. My wife loves soundtracks as well! Great picks, Lynda.

  7. Nice picks! I think I need to check those pieces of music out :)

  8. I never even thought about soundtracks when I did mine. I guess it's okay, because cutting anything down to 10 is very hard. I like your list!

  9. Some of my favorites on this. Music to write by? Depends on the topic.

  10. Great list. Several of these are my favorites and I'll have to check out the others.

    Thoughts in Progress

  11. The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack is amazing! The sound is epic and beautiful.

  12. oooooohhh! i have hallelujah on mine too! (a different cover) and a jars of clay song!! and i LOVE the last of the mohicans music!!!

  13. I don't know many on your list but I love#10.

  14. Alex, I'm always on the lookout for more soundtracks ;)

    Trisha, thanks

    Pat, yep, I found it really difficult to keep it at 10

    Mary, the topic definitely defines the music I'll listen to.

    Mason, thanks

  15. Heather, epic. that's a greeat way of descripbing the soundtrack. Exactly!

    Aspiring, hehe thanks :) I'm surprised you know so many of them.

    Clarissa, it's a good one :)

  16. Muse has some good stuff for sure. I'm a big fan of soundtracks too- I like the mix!

  17. Yeah, the Pumpkins are my favourite band of all time :) They were bound to get in the list!

    I've now edited with reasons, I forgot them before. lol.

    This was a fun blogfest, if challenging what with the narrowing down!

  18. Great choices ....

    IT was so hard for me to pick ten.


  19. Some I knew of course others I did not but that's bound to happen.
    I enjoyed your list.


  20. Some I knew, but of course there are always some one don't know,
    I enjoyed reading your list.


  21. Can I say I adore your list and love how you thought of including soundtracks - I wish I'd thought of that!

    I have a few soundtracks I like to listen to whilst writing and they include BSG and Last of the Mohicans. Bladerunner is another good one.

    My Top Ten Songs

  22. i love the scores... bear on battlestar is amazing...

    what a great selection of music

  23. I don't know too many sound tracks, more of a lyric/beat person but I do love and own #10. :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  24. Your list wasn't very familiar, I must admit.

    When I write, I listen to black metal, and when I don't write I also listen to black metal >:D

    Cold As Heaven

  25. Sounds like a great list! Thanks for sharing.

    By the way, I gave you an award on my blog today!

  26. I haven't heard a lot of this. But Muse is one of my favorite "newer" bands. And Peter Gabriel will always hold a high place on all my music lists!

  27. Wow, really great list. I concur about Muse.

  28. ooh, I don't have the BSG soundtrack! Thanks for the recommendation! I don't know why I don't because I loved that show. Stoopid Hannah!

  29. Don't know them all. Might have to look some of them up.

  30. Uprising is great. I think Hallelujah may win this thing. What do you mean it isn't a contest?

  31. For writing I would probably want to use your list since I prefer music sans lyrics when I write. Jars of Clay is a great group.

    Make sure you check my Wednesday post!
    Tossing It Out

  32. i like a few of them soundtracks in the list, I can imagine the Braveheart soundtrack being very soothing when writing. Great list

  33. I'll bet the Dark Knight soundtrack is awesome!

  34. I listen to a lot of soundtracks too and Braveheart is one of my staples. Love it!


  35. Stephanie, Muse has real talent

    Trisha, certainly challenging!

    Michael, yep extremely hard to pick only 10

    Yvonne, thanks :)

    Ellie, oh yes bladerunner! I listened to that to death.

    iZombie, I'd watched the whole series of battlestar and hadn't noticed the music (except the opening score). It wasn't until BSG was over that I discovered the music. lol.

  36. Paul, yep :)

    Jules, Oh I am too. I'd have a whole different list if I threw in the music I listen to while I'm not writing.

    Cold, haha methinks you like black metal ;)

    Michelle, oh thanks for the award! Oh, the stylish Blogger Award. How cool!

  37. Muse Uprising made my list as well! Love that song! You've got a good mix of tunes on here!

  38. Tara, I'm not surprised. Much of it is eclectic

    M Pax, thanks Mary :) Muse seems to be showing up on a lot of lists.

    Hannah, hehe. Don't worry BSG is a new addition for me too ;)

    Wendy, I don't know the majority of songs on people's lists.

    Budd, I agree, Hallelujah is everywhere.

    Lee, I'm looking forward to your wednesday post. Exciting.

    Dempsey, Braveheart soundtrack is soothing even though the movie wasn't.

    Lydia, yes, yes, and yes! I do recommend it.

  39. Jai, yay for Braveheart!

    Jennie, Uprising is a popular one :)

  40. Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack - I love that movie, and Uprising by Muse - these are great choices.

  41. Elaine, I'm seeing Uprising on a lot of lists :)

  42. Oh I love your list. I have finally got my Soundtrack station on Pandora the way I like it, all my thumbs ups are in your list (plus a few more), and I write to Peter Gabriel quite often. (and he made my list...In Your Eyes will forever be one of the best songs ever written, IMHO)
    And I love Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah just a teeny bit more than all the other wonderful versions...but it's an amazing song in all its many versions.

  43. Now this should give Alex an idea for his next 'fest - Best 10 Soundtracks of all time. I love collecting soundtracks from fave movies. Some of the best songs come from them as you have proved today.

  44. A very inspiring list to say the least. And I like Rufus Wainwright's version of Hallelujay as well!

  45. I also selected that version of Hallelujah! And that is a GREAT Muse song. I have to agree; it would be extremely helpful for that purpose!!

  46. Awesome! Hallelujah is a gorgeous song - my fave version is by kd lang! :)

    Battlestar Gallactica has some awesome music!!

  47. I love soundtracks too! I don't write to them, but they are wonderful to getting me in a particular mood. You've got some good ones on the list!

  48. Nice choices :D Using instrumental/orchestral music never occurred to me. Damnit! One I'd recommend is "Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria" from the Conquest of Paradise soundtrack. Epic track!

  49. I love love love The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack!

  50. Great twist! My writing music is different from my top ten. I used to love the Braveheart soundtrack!

  51. Great choices for while you're writing. I love Uprising (well, the whole album, actually :) The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack is great. I love the twist you took for this one. Thanks for sharing!

  52. I LOVE listening to film score. One of my favorite types of music.

    And that version of "Hallelujah" is just beautiful.

  53. Lola, I love that Peter Gabriel songs as well!

    L'Aussie, soundtracks are fabulous.

    Stephen, Hallelujah is a popular one for sure.

    Alexia, thanks

    Paul, 2 popular songs I've noticed

    Jemi, there are quite a few versions of this song.

  54. Kari, yes, they are great mood setters

    Jamie, oh yes! I have that one as well! It was so difficult to break the list down to only 10

    Demitria, yep, it's a good one :)

    Jamie B, yep, my normal listening music is completely different.

    Rosie, Muse is brilliant-- again it was difficult to break it down to only 10

  55. Karen, oops I almost missed you there. There are so many versions of Hallelujah I like, but this is my favourite.

  56. I hadn't thought of soundtracks, that's a good idea!

  57. Wendy, yes indeed!

    Deniz, I love soundtracks :)


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