
Friday, January 28, 2011

Is Writing Worth Your Time?

When we hear agents get hundreds of queries a day, when we suffer rejection after rejection, when we’ve agonised so long on a piece we can no longer tell if its any good, when writer’s block strikes with a vengeance and won’t let go – this is when we inevitably ask ourselves, is writing really worth my time?

My answer is a resounding yes. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t agonise over word choices, I wouldn’t spend hours plotting ways to make life horrible for my characters, I wouldn’t pour all my hopes and dreams into such a time consuming career.

Why do it? Because I love it. It’s as simple as that. I love creating stories, painting pictures in the minds of strangers, playing with words, building worlds, having the power to bring a moment of joy into someone’s life.

And so I write.

I don’t need to be published to do these things, but I do need to write.

What keeps you going?

I’d also like to officially thank two wonderful bloggers who gave me the Stylish Blogger Award this week.

Thanks to Michelle from Perfecting the Craft and Madeleine from Scribble and Edit.

Please visit these lovely ladies and say hi from me.


  1. YES.

    What keeps me going is the love of creating something and the way stories and words can travel from person to person--the communication.

    Congratulations on the award!

  2. Congrats on the award!
    Yes, writing will always be worth the time.

  3. You're speaking to my soul right now, this couldn't have come at a better moment. Thank you!

    I write because I love how it feels to engage with characters who feel anything but fictional.

  4. I've been writing since I was about six years old. Writing is addictively exhilarating when it's going well, but just as often it makes me so miserable! Still, I get even more miserable if I don't write.

  5. Golden, yes, the communication is a wonderful thing

    Laura, thanks

    Lindz, yes, the best characters are the ones who come alive.

  6. Congrats on your award, and I SO agree with you. I've kept writing, even though I'm on about novel #15, and haven't been traditionally published yet. Because I love it! It's freeing and "completes" me in a way my artwork never did. Oddly enough.

  7. Wendy, exactly right. I need to write to stay happy and sane (and my hubby stays happy and sane because I'm happy and sane lol)

  8. writers are dreamers, and dreamers wouldn't be dreamers without dreams.

  9. Carol, oh wow! I hadn't realised you'd written so many! For you I'd suggest publication is not a question of 'if', but 'when'. And yes, writing is freeing.

    Dezzy, dreaming is our breath

  10. Congratulations!
    And writing was worth my time.

  11. Alex..was? not anymore? (hehe, just teasing) ;)

  12. Thanks, Lynda! What an encouraging, uplifting post. You are stylishly inspirational~ ;p <3

  13. Congrats on the award. Writing is certainly worth my time. But ask me in two months when I'm smack in the middle of revision. I might have a different answer. ;)

  14. Doing something you love is always worth the time!

    Congrats on the awards!

  15. Congratulations with your fab stylish award!! Yay!!!

    What keeps me going with the writing? The Madness!!! I truly believe you have to be a little crazy to be wanting to write stories! Crazy in a good way! LOL! Take care

  16. Writing makes me feel more alive- I notice more in the world when I'm writing. So, yes, I need to do it too.

  17. Writing's always worth my time. It's the cheapest form of therapy I know.

  18. I enjoy writing too much to stop. It's what I look forward to every day.

  19. Who could live without writing? Not me, nor any of the bloggers I know.

    Congrats on your Stylish Award. You so deserve it.

  20. Congrats on your award; and yes, writing should be about your passion and not getting published:)

  21. Getting published has its rewards but even without it, I would still be writing.

  22. Lynda I agree, it can be so tough, but on the other hand it's so rewarding. There's nothing better than creating a whole world, it makes you imortal.

    Also, you're my next What I love about you Wednesday blogger, so check it out on 2/2.

  23. I keep a pocket sized notebook in my purse with several quotes, lyrics, and tidbits of motivation whenever I have a bad day :) It works for me!

  24. Writing is absolutely worth my time.

    It is my sanctuary and my sanity.

    It's the glue that keeps my soul together.



  25. Good question Lynda and one which we all ask ourselves especially in doldrum moments. Great answer too. We have to believe in ourselves and we write because it is what we love. Well done for being awarded the stylish blogger award twice! :O)
    Hugs Madel e ine x

  26. Thats a great question. What keeps me going is that I am a writer. How can you not do something which lives inside you and is apart of who you are? :)

  27. HERE! HERE!

    You said it. You know it's worth it. Just look all around you at all the awesome people who write. If writing wan't worth it, would we ALL do it?

    I thing not!


  28. Great post, Lynda! You definitely have to do it because you love it!

  29. LTM, and a stylish thank you to you :)

    LA Colvin, yep, that's where I am at the moment: in the middle of revisions.

    Hannah, for sure

    Old Kitty, so true. Lets be crazy good together! :)

  30. Stephanie, oh so true! I notice more as well. Great point.

    Jeffrey, hahaha love it.

    Heather, awesome!

    L'Aussie, so true...and thanks :)

    Toyin, I couldn't do it if it were just about getting published.

  31. Susan, yes, absolutely

    Melissa, oh! How cool! I'm honored :)

    Las Vegas, oh that's such a great idea!! I love it! Can I borrow your notebook? ;)

    Misha, well put. I believe it :)

  32. Madeleine, oh my gosh! I spelled your name wrong! I'm so sorry! I always try to get people's names right too because they are forever getting mine wrong. AARGH!! I'll fix that immediately!

  33. It's the same for me. Painters love the smell of paint, the colors, and so forth. I love the words we use to communicate ideas, on an intellectual level, and to tell stories on an emotional one.

  34. Tabitha, that's like denying who you are...never seems to work.

    Michael, we could, of course, all be crazy ;)

    Talli, for sure.

    Catherine, yes absolutely! Words are magic.

  35. If we didn't get the R and admit to it, every other author on the planet would hate our guts. We're in good company.

    It's a tough career choice. But, yes, worth it. Every minute.

  36. I need to bookmark this post. So often I feel overrun and put down with my writing, but I need to remember that I do not do it for other people, I do not do it to get published, I do it beacuse I have a story inside of me that need to be let out. and I need to see it to its end. I write for me first, I need to remember that.

  37. For me, the voices keep me going. No matter what the publishers say, the voices keep talking to me. Congrats on your award.

  38. Wonderful - I totally agree. I wrote for years before attempting to get published ever crossed my mind. So I imagine I'll always write! :)

  39. Writing gives breath to my life. I need it. I used to write because I loved it. Then I wrote to be published. Now I write it because It. Is. Me. I'm in it for the joy of it now, for the journey.

    Congrats on the award!

  40. YES! Definitely. We write because we love to, need to, want to.

    CONGRATS on your well deserved awardage. :)

    Have a lovely rest of your weekend.


  41. YES!!

    CONGRATS on your award!

  42. the thing that I wonder if it's wort my time is blogging. I put so much into it and so far I'm not sure it gives much return as far as marketing goes. as far as friends go, it does great!

  43. M Pax, for sure!

    Alexis, yep, I have to often remind myself as well ;)

    Clarissa, ah yes, the voices. It's a wonder the powers that be let us write and don't lock us up ;)

    Jemi, hehe, very cool

    Lola, thanks :)

    Susanne, thanks

    Tamara, blogging is a definite time-sink. I have to carefully schedule my time when it comes to blogging because it's so easy give up all my time to it.

  44. I can't imagine what I would do with my time if I wasn't doing something writing/reading related...

    Congratulations on the awards!

  45. YES... I hear you... I love to imagine and dream, and I think my head would explode if I didn't have somewhere to put it all.

    Congratulations on your award too! :)

  46. I could never stop. What keeps me going is the love of doing it:) I may never grasp the art of writing fiction but that's ok. I love it.

  47. Great post! Yes, you have to really love writing to go through all of the rejection... my stories are part of me, so I couldn't very well do away with them.

    Congrats on the award!

  48. Sharon, yep. I'm the same

    WritingNut, hehehe exploding heads are messy so yep, it's best to stick to writing ;)

    Terri, that love will keep you going and keep you wanting to learn

    Alexia, good point! Our stories are a part of us.

  49. Oops. I just gave you the stylish award on my blog as well. You deserve it!

  50. I am amazed that we both touched the same subject on the same day on our blogs! Thank you for posting your thoughts!


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