
Monday, November 8, 2010

NaNoWriMo + Awards

This is a short post because I'm both busy and exhausted.

The NaNo bit:
The first week of the challenge to write 50k words in 30days is complete. I’m still excited about my writing project and I’m pleased I haven’t pumped out drivel. Yes, I’ll need to do some heavy editing after November, but I don’t know anyone who can write a perfect first draft.

I’m excited about the story. I’m thrilled with my characters. I even love the setting. I’ve chosen to write a Young Adult steampunk fantasy about friendship and duty. I’m using a time consuming method though: I first handwrite the scenes then transcribe them into the computer. I would probably write a lot faster if I just typed it all straight into my computer, but lately I’ve found so many distractions on the computer.

How about you? How’s your writing projects coming along? What do you like about them? What don’t you like?

The Award Bit:
I’d also like to officially thank a couple of blogging buddies for some awards I’ve picked up. Please visit their blogs and say hi from me. You won’t be disappointed.

Thanks so much to N. R. Williams for the “Honest Scrap Award”

And thanks so much to Rachna for the “Blog with Substance Award”


  1. Congrats on the awards! Awesome :)

    So glad your story is going well. It's such fun pumping out that first draft, isn't it?

  2. oh, handwriting your stories? That's sounds awfully complicated, Lyndylove :) You like torturing yourself? :))

    Congrats on the awards, especially the substance one, because yours has the most of it!

  3. Jemi, the first draft is the best part of writing. Everything is fresh and new and exciting :)

    Dezzy-baby-hun, yup, it's a convoluted way of doing it, but I have to do SOMEthing to drag myself away from social media, emails, games, and not so quick jaunts of googled research.

  4. I'm glad your story's coming so well. Mine's going pretty good, but I've come to a transition point and it's always hard to move forward from there.

    Good luck with the next 40K

  5. Melissa, hope you get through your transition soon. And thanks too for the next 40k I think I'll need that luck :)

  6. Congratulations on the awards :D I like the sound of your NaNo WIP too. Mine's about 2000 words behind what it should be (shame on me) but I'm getting there slowly. I'm going for a Welsh Celtic based fantasy with dragons, magic and vampires :)
    Good luck!

  7. Jamie, thanks. Best of luck with your NaNo. I like the sound of it...but I LOVE dragons.

  8. Congrats on your awards and I hope that muse doesn't keep bothering you at 2am so you can get some sleep!

  9. I'm impressed to hear you are writing on paper, first. I don't know many who still do that these days, but I think it probably allows the words to flow a bit more freely. And you are right - the computer has far too many distractions. In fact, one could say I'm distracting myself right now by reading blogs and not working on my manuscript. Tomorrow, I'll be mad at myself for not having a more productive writing weekend.

  10. Congrats on the awards and on completing the first week of Nano!


  11. Congratulations on the awards! My friend (and director where I work)is also writing out by hand first. And she's editing as she goes!!!!! But it is a lot of fun. Know what? I don't think mine is all drivel either. Then again, I'm very new to all this.

    The only thing I know about steampunk is what I've learned from an artist friend who creates the coolest's fascinating! I hope to be able to read your book one day soon!

  12. Congratz on the awards and NaNo progress! Wow, I used to handwrite all my stuff first off (in the 1990s) but I taught myself to compose on the computer, since I type almost as fast as I can think. BUT I have to turn off my email alert. Still...there ARE distractions.

  13. Lydia, thanks :)

    Paul,writing on paper first is a necessity...see, the first thing I'm doing when I came to the computer is blogging... bad me.

  14. Jai, thanks for the congrats

    Crafter, this is my first time with NaNo and I'm feeling the pressure, but yes, it's a LOT of fun. My first introduction to steampunk was through art as well. I hope I do it justice in my writing.

    Carol, I can do either. My hand writing and typing are just as fast. It's the distractions I'm trying to avoid. I'm terrible when it comes to distractions.

  15. Congrats on the awards! I'm glad NaNo is going well for you- your story sounds really interesting!

  16. Lynda, congrats on doing Nano. And Steampunk YA, that sounds interesting. I was only introduced to Steampunk as an art form earlier this year so very curious.

    I didn't hear about NaNo until too late but I am focussing on getting revisions on my first proper MS.

    Good luck with the rest of the month!! I shall be cheerleading you on from the sidelines.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Congratulations on making it through the first week!

  19. That's great you still like your work after the first week! And congrats on the awards!

  20. I'm glad that your story is progressing well! :)

    Congrats on the awards!

  21. Wow! Congrats on the Nano! So cool!
    And the award! =D

  22. Congrats on the awards and good luck with your novel. It sounds like it's going great for you :-)

  23. Congratulations on these fun awards. And I hope you continue to plug away at NaNo. I think your writing plan is a good one. The temptation to be distracted by the Internet is one of my biggest problems.

  24. Stephanie, glad you think the story sounds interesting.

    Talei, Steampunk is somewhat new territory for me as well but I've always loved the art and want to do it justice in my writing. Thanks for the cheerleading and I hope your revisions go really well.

  25. Ellie, the first week I think is probably the easiest because everything is fresh and new and exciting. It's the next couple of weeks that will be the challenge.

    Laura, I'm amazed (and thrilled).

    Golden, thanks. I owe the progress to outlining beforehand. I'll never go back to winging it ever again.

  26. Carolyn, thanks :)

    Paul, for all the manuscripts I've written, this one (so far) has given me the most fun. Thanks.

    Patricia, oh yes, isn't the internet a wretched thing as a distraction? Thanks :)

  27. Congratulations on your fabulous awards! Well deserved! I've seen the Blog with Substance Award around, what a special one to receive!!!

    Yes NaNoWriMo has been awesome, I completed my 50K+ last week and proud to start revising another WiP I've worked on at the beginning of the year!

  28. Jen, yep, I watched your word count shoot up at break neck speed. It was impressive. A huge congrats for finishing. And best of luck with your revisions.

  29. That's an interesting idea to handwrite instead of writing directly on the computer - I get so distracted on the computer too! I just need to get rid of my internet connection and then I'd be all right.

    Good luck with NaNo!

  30. That's an interesting idea to handwrite instead of writing directly on the computer - I get so distracted on the computer too! I just need to get rid of my internet connection and then I'd be all right.

    Good luck with NaNo!

  31. Congratulations on the awards! I'm right on target. Wrote for several hours today.

  32. Susan, I could never get rid of my internet connection. I rely on it too much! :)

    Alex, thanks and awesome to hear you are on target!

  33. I've sometimes handwritten first when I found myself without a laptop and needing to write. I think you get a better first draft that way but I admire you for using that as your main method: I really wouldn't have the patience for it!

  34. Hi Lynda..even I handwrite my first draft. Glad to hear your NaNo is going well. As for the awards you deserve them. You have an excellent blog.

  35. Congrats on the beginning of a successful project! I love my side characters and I like the plot of my WiP, but I'm realising that I still have work to do on the MC.

  36. I used to write everything by hand, but I've switched to computer now.

    Congrats on doing NaNo. I've never done it - it sounds like a huge undertaking and I admire anyone who gives it a go.

  37. Congrats on the awards and good luck with NaNo!

  38. Congrats on the awards and much luck with NaNo.

  39. FairyH, it's a method that definitely takes patience

    Rachna, I think the MC is the hardest to write.

    Helen, writing directly intot he computer is way easier -- if you have a handle on the distractions there ;)

    Laura & Happy, thanks :)


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