
Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Things I Like About Writing

I’d like to send Rosie of  East for Green Eyes a huge thank you for this award. To accept it I’m meant to list 10 things I like (not love – I cheated a little) so I thought I’d turn it into a writing theme.

1. I like that writing gives me a means of expression and a purpose.

2. I like when my writing flows and the story takes on a life of its own. I’m merely a conduit for the words.

3. I like when others get something out of my stories. It makes me feel like I’ve done something right.

4. I like things of quality – in terms of writing, that means I like the end result when hard work means a powerful plot, strong characters, attention to detail, correct grammar.

5. I like sitting at the local coffee shop early on a Sunday morning. I watch people go by while I write snippets of blog posts or stories.

6. I like to travel to new and wondrous worlds through my writing.

7. I like to explore the inner workings of people through my characters.

8. I like the power of the imagination. Without it writers wouldn’t exist.

9. I like words. I like their magic, their simplicity, their complexity.

10. I like the satisfying feeling of typing The End on a finished manuscript.

What are some things you like about writing?

I’m supposed to pass this award on to ten people, but how about five…

Jeffrey Beesler
Carolyn V
Robert Guthrie


  1. Congrats on your award! I like your list, especially #8. :)

  2. I like #3 - I LOVE it when someone else says..."That's the best scene ever and I totally connected!"

  3. Laura, imagination is the key to inspiration :)

    Nathalie, isn't it the best!?

  4. Congratz, Lynda! I just found out more about blogging awards this week myself! Kinda like playing tag, it sounds like.

    I love #9 and #10! woo! #1 is great too. Isn't writing GREAT?? ;o)

  5. I like all of these, but most especially #'s 8 and 9.

    And thank you so much for the award! I appreciate it.

  6. I like it when my critiquers say, "I really love this phrase!"

    I also like it when I discover new things about my characters or a new plot element. Where did that come from?

  7. I like writing cuz it gets stuff out of my head. :)

  8. Carol, it is a bit. And yes writing is GREAT.

    Jeffrey, since you've been living in a dungeon I thought an award would perk you up :)

  9. Bonnie, oh yes, definitely! And the new discovery is great too :)

    Sandra, thanks for visiting. And yes writing is a geat way to clear the clutter in the mind :)

  10. Lynda this was adorable! I love the writing theme you chose! I too love traveling through worlds. It's nice to save you a few dollars when you know your pocket funds are a bit low, thank goodness for the imagination!

  11. What a wonderful list!! I like all those things too, I'm trying to think of one you missed.... oh yes, I like being up by myself at 3 am in the "writing zone." And I like revising!

  12. I love your number nine and I love being able to escape into other worlds for awhile.


  13. COngrats on the award. This list is absolutely fantastic.

  14. Jen, hehe I used to travel a lot but now I can't afford the privilege so writing is awesome! ;)

    Karen, please teach me to like revision...please. But yes, the writing zone is an awesome place!!

  15. Clarissa, to be able to journey to other worlds is a wonderful thing. It's what got me started as a writer.

    Melissa, thanks :)

  16. i like those rare moments when i forgot about something i wrote, and when i come across it while editing, i think, "hey that's kinda good! has the hubs been putting changes into my doc, while i was sleeping?"

  17. Your no.5 seems so relaxing at the same time...Great to know more about you. Congratulations. God bless.

  18. Lynda, I like your entire list a lot because of the writing theme. Its like you have read our minds to compile this list. I love #1,3,5,8,and 10.

    Thanks for the award. I really appreciate it. :)

  19. Congrats on the award!

    I love the list, since I could have written it myself.

    In particular I love sitting in public places to write so that I can watch people.


  20. Aspiring, those moments are awesome.

    Rcubes, thanks so much. It is a relaxing thing to do.

    Rachna, maybe I did read all your minds...muwhahahaha. But you definitely deserve the award :)

  21. Misha, you snuck in there while I posted comments ;) Thanks for the congrats :)

  22. #4 and #5 are exactly the same for me :D I love sitting in a coffee shop (or a pub, I'm a student after all :P) with a little notebook, scribbling down nuggets of potential awesomeness :D

  23. Congratulations on the award!

    I like telling stories. In any form, really, but especially via the written word.

  24. I really enjoyed your list--especially since yesterday I really love writing cause it all came together the way I had hoped!

  25. Jamie, gotta love those potential awesomenesses :)

    Jennifer, thanks. There's soemthing special about the written word.

    Terri, that's a rare and special moment when it all comes together as hoped :)

  26. Great list! #6 is my favorite. I've always enjoyed going to new and different places.

  27. Bish, I think the first fanciful novel I ever read was the Hobbit and I was hooked :)

  28. "I like when my writing flows and the story takes on a life of its own"

    exactly my point as well! ;)

  29. AWW!!! Thanks so much for the awesome award! I love it. <3

    And congrats, you totally deserve it Lynda!

  30. Great list, Lynda!

    I like how writing lets me go into a characters mind, learn their hopes and dreams and fears, and utterly connect with them as people.


  31. Congratulations! I like it when I go back to re-read a scene and get caught up in the action. I'm my own worst critic, so if I can get swept along, I hope others do the same.

  32. Dez, we are a slave to the story.

    Carolyn, thanks so much

    Jai, yes connecting with our characters -- with every aspect -- that's awesome.

    Alex, I need some distance to do that otherwise I just can't tell...but it's soooo awesome when that happens.

  33. Lynda - Congrats on the award. I like when I've accomplished my writing goal for the day. I like when a scene in my head comes together on the page. Have a great weekend. =D

  34. RaShelle, yes, writing goals are satisfying :)

  35. Congratulations on your award! And you pretty much summed up why I like writing. I'd add that I like when I'm away from my story and yet I'm still thinking about it: the story and the characters stay with me and can be strengthened by the interactions that I have with people.

  36. Amanda, Great addition to the list. It's true, we strengthen our characters through our experiences and interactions with others.

  37. You pretty well spoke for me with your likes. I also like that I can go back to what I've written in the past and get some idea of what I was thinking and where I was in my life at that time. The written word is like a window to my past.

    Tossing It Out

  38. Congratulations!
    If I had to pick one of the ten, number two drives me the most.

  39. Congratulations on the award! :)

    I think you have all of my reasons listed.... I also love how writing gives me the opportunity to create and escape. I love re-reading and feeling like the writing actually flows and reads like a book!

  40. Arlee, yes, that's another great point. And it's not only a window to our personal past, but a window to the world's past as well.

    Pat, tha'ts actually one that I love.

    WritingNut, thanks :) Writing is such a satisfying occupation :)


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