
Monday, September 20, 2010

Top 10 TV Shows

I’m taking a break from my usual posts to take part in Alex J Cavanaugh’s Blogfest. Are you ready to see how geeky I truly am? 

1. Babylon 5 – In short, it’s about a group of people on a space station named Babylon 5. It was made in the 90s. I loved this series because of the awesome dialogue. Check here for cool quotes.

2. Firefly – aired in 2002, it lasted only one season as a series, but it was brilliant. It was a Space Western. I loved the characters, the dialogue and the world. 

3. Friends – Apart from some of the hairstyles and outfits, this series hasn’t aged since the 90s. The stories and characters are still relevant and amusing.

4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer – The early seasons were the best when it didn’t take itself too seriously. It was just a bit of fun.

5. Dr Who – A British scifi that’s older than me. I think it started in the 60s but it’s still going strong. It never had a big budget and some of the monsters and sets used to be dodgy, but it proved that story drives a good show.

6. Masterchef Australia – it’s taken from a British show, but we’ve made it our own. It’s similar to Top Chef but without the backstabbing. It’s about amateur cooks vying to be titled Masterchef. It’s the only reality show I watch these days.

7. Misfits – This is also British, about a group of young offenders forced to work in a community service programme, where they become imbued with supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm. Due to its success they’ve started filming the second season in May. There are some rough language and elements in the story but I enjoyed it anyway. I think it’s labelled as a dark comedy. 

8. Stargate SG1/Universe – two great series. I enjoyed the characters and the stories. SG1 has a great re-watchability to it. 

9. Star Trek – Original – Sure, it’s dated, sure I only ever watched it as reruns, but I loved the spark between the three main characters. The stories were imaginative at the time, they didn’t take themselves too seriously and it was fun to watch.

10. Fawlty Towers – A British comedy made in the 70s and only had 12 episodes, but they were all memorable in their silliness.

So there you have it. This list shifts and changes a lot for me, depending on my mood.  And I'm sure I've forgotten a few which deserve to be on this list more. If you haven't taken part in the blogfest, I'd still love to hear which tv shows are your favourite.


  1. It's nice to be different sometimes like this fun post! Passing by to wish you a great weekend and God bless.

  2. Thanks Rcubes :) I hope you had a great weekend as well :)

  3. You're making Sheldon and Leonard proud (The Big Bang Theory).

    I tried Babalon 5 on DVD, but couldn't really get into it. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, anything Star Trek, but especially Voyager. I never saw the SG series, but heard it was pretty good.

    I remember watching reruns of Faulty Towers on PBS. Too funny. I didn't realize there were so few episodes, no wonder it seemed like they were always replaying the same ones.

  4. I love TNG more than the original Star Trek but they're both great!

    I loved Buffy from beginning to end. Great stuff. I don't think Joss Whedon's done anything I don't love.

  5. i have buffy and firefly on my list too! DS9 was my favorite star trek... but that was mostly because i had a HUGE crush on jake sisco... :)

  6. You and I have similar tastes - a lot of these will show up on my post (I scheduled it for the morning).

    Fawlty Towers was hysterical! I'd forgotten all about it - thanks for reminding me. I can hear my dad laughing now! :)

  7. Let me guess, you love scifi shows. I do too. I haven't seen many on the list but it's a great list.


  8. Hey Lynda i like the choice of your TV shows and i love to watch friends its one of my favorite TV show.

  9. I used to watch the original "Star Trek" regularly. I've seen a few episodes of "Friends". However this watcher of few TV programs has not seen any of the other shows you mention. Although I think I saw a movie that may have been based on "Firefly", but I don't recall what it was called.

    Tossing It Out

  10. Melissa, oh yes! I love the Big Bang Theory too. Those guys crack me up... especially their halo nights.

    Hannah, TNG is a little more up to date..but even that is starting to show signs of age. lol. And yes that's true about Joss Whedon. I love all his work.

  11. Aspiring, yeah there was something charismatic about Sisco :)

    Jemi, so many of my friends can quote entire episodes from Fawlty Towers..and Blackadder! lol.

    Clarissa, good guesser ;)

    4kids, I don't know how many times I've watched all the episodes, but they still make me laugh.

  12. Arlee, most of my list is of shows that are quite old. It's because I don't watch a lot of new tv unless someone recommends it to me. Even then it's hard to find time. The movie from Firefly was called Serenity. Great movie :)

  13. these are really the good shows i mostly watch friends

  14. Let's hear it for Firefly, Stargate, and Star Trek! Fawlty Towers is a great choice, too. I own the boxed set. Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  15. yes, yes, I can now see that all of us have STAR TREK and FIREFLY in our lists :))) Are we all sf junkies or what? :)

    FAWLTY TOWERS were a huge hit in my country as well together with FOOLS AND HORSES, BLACKADDER and ALLO ALLO :)

  16. I had forgotten about Friends. I am not familiar with the others on your list. What is interesting to me, is I have never heard of Firefly and yet it is on almost every list I have looked at so far. I will have to check it out.

  17. Oh my gosh, I TOTALLY used to be such a Dr Who fan. I even went to a convention once with my dad (another fan) LOL

  18. I put Stargate on my list, too! And we just had a season of Master Chef here in the states. It was great! The girl I wanted to win did, so I'm happy.

  19. Another Trekker! And I went for Monty Python instead of Fawlty Towers, but I love both shows.

  20. great list, you should check out farscape as well if you haven't already.

  21. I've seen all of those British shows in passing because my grandma is crazy about BBC! If only I understood the humor a little better... xD

  22. What a great list! I love the title for your blog!

  23. Oh, I still miss Firefly. That show rocked. Siigh.

    I would have to add Torchwood. I loved that!

  24. Great list! I had completely forgotten about Babylon 5! Ach! So many good shows - limiting them to 10 was hard. It's been fun seeing what makes other lists and then kicking myself for not including it on my own!

  25. Friends was the only one I really recognized! We were watching all the repeats and then today, officially, we are dropping our cable to use an antenna. No more Friends! (boo hoo)

  26. No Stargate: Atlantis? Crazy people I tell you! At least you have Firefly on there, so that makes up for it. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person who preferred Angel over Buffy.

  27. I really liked firefly and I own buffy! great list

  28. such great choices, so many to choose

  29. I knew 4 on your list including Dr. Who and Fawlty Towers, the ones I didn't know I enjoyed reading about, excellent list.


  30. Great list! I don't watch a lot of TV but I like Mad Men.

  31. The more Firefly fans I come across, the more shocking it seems that Fox didn't give the show a fair shot.

  32. Alex, thanks for settin gup the blogfest. It was lots of fun!

    Dez, oh yes! Blackadder was also a winner!!

    Greg, yep, Firefly is awesome!

    Jennifer, I remember lining up for an hour for one of the Dr's!

  33. Emily, it's great when the ones we hope for win. Makes it very satisfying. :)

    Diane, my husband is a mad Monty Python fan as well :)

    Budd, yep, seen farscape. It was one of the few shows made in Oz.

  34. Amanda, see, that's the thing about British's not something you can "get".. it's something you just have to go with the flow and laugh because it's so silly.

    Ellie and Candyland, thanks :)

    M Pax, oh yes, Torchwood. That was good too.

  35. Jennie, yeah there was so much I'd forgotten that I've seen on other lists!! I could make a list of 20!

    Terri, aw, no more Friends!? What are you going to do?? ;)

    Bry, lol nope no Atlantis. I couldn't get into it. But I like Angel as well as Buffy.

  36. Summer, when you say you own Buffy... does that mean you have slayer strength as well? *giggle* ;)

    iZombie, yeah there are so many to choose. It's crazy! :)

    Yvonne, yeah some of it's a little strange. I don't expect many people would know about Misfits.

  37. Terry, I've never seen Mad Men. It gets lots of good reviews. I should give it a go some time.

    Karen, Even though Firefly got something like 4.5 million viewers when it first aired the network cancelled it. It does seem crazy.

  38. I love your choices. We share many of the same interests in TV I guess.

  39. I love your choices. We share many of the same interests in TV I guess.

  40. Awesome tv shows! Love your choices. =)

  41. How, oh HOW, could I have left our Fawlty Towers? I've never heard of The Misfits, but it looks like a great show, so I'll be sure to check it out.

  42. You love your sci-fi!!
    Friends is a great classic. Reruns still make me giggle.

  43. What a great list! I'm happy to see mentions of Doctor Who and Firefly :-)

  44. Carolyn, thanks

    Ishta, I'm not surprised you haven't heard of Misfits. I think it only has six episodes to the season.

    Kelly, indeedy I do :) And yeah, I haven't yet grown bored fo the Friends reruns :)

    Kelly D, both top top shows. I just wish there was more of Firefly.

  45. I miss "Friends" so much... I've watched all the seasons... twice! :) Great list, Lyn!

  46. The Whedonverse love among us all is just great!

    Breakfast Every Hour

  47. Ah yes Fawlty Towers, a classic. I loved I Dream of Genie, too. Glad to see some UK favs in your list. Thanks for dropping by mine. :O)

  48. Yes Friends, Dr Who Fawlty Towers and Star Trek, oh and Stargate I've also followed. Thanks for dropping by my blog too and following along :O)

  49. Lynda, I never saw Firefly but I've seen it on every scifi buff's Top 10 List, interesting that it was discontinued. Just goes to show those producers don't always know a good thing when they see it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    ~that rebel, Olivia

  50. Great shows! Firefly made it onto a LOT of lists, but never really did it for me. But Doctor Who? That show ROCKS. I can't believe I didn't have it on my list ... it should have been right at the top, maybe just under Buffy. :)

  51. I'd forgotten about Fawlty Towers, it was hilarious. Also the oringinal Star Trek, Shatner was classic. It's clear that we need BBC where I live, it's not available from my provider...
    great list!

  52. I thought i had already comment on your blog but i guess not! :)
    I have only seen Friends and Buffy but i have seen firefly and few other of these shows on other lists and the pictures intrigue me.

  53. Have to love Faulty Towers. I haven't watched The Misfits but you're description sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.


  54. I can't believe how many times I've seen firefly on a list. I'm going to rent this show and see what is so amazing about it!

  55. Karen, Twilight Zone was brilliant. It would have gone on my list if I'd remembered it.

    Nebular, I've lost count how many times I've seen all the seasons of Friends ;)

    Alex, Whedon hasn't gone wrong yet :)

    Madeleine, oh yes! I Dream of Genie was great too :)

    Olivia, It certainly doesn't make sense that Firefly was cancelled. All the fans hope one day it will come back in some form.

  56. Ali, there's so many shows on other people's lists that I wish I'd remembered too. :)

    Pat, BBC has so many treasures :)

    Kelley, lol I do that all the time ;)

    Jai, Misfits is currently only six episodes and it's quite dark, but good anyway.

    Jennee, I was also surprised how many times it showed up on people's lists. It makes me wonder why it was cancelled.

    Ricky, Misfits is very different. Maybe that's what I liked about it.

  57. Great list; I need to go back to my SciFi roots, I am missing out!~

  58. Ellie, I have no idea what it is about SciFi that attracts me. Maybe I never grew up ;)

  59. Hi.Thanks for stopping by and following me. I'm following you too! I'm going to have to check out Firefly. Alot of people are saying it's a great show.

  60. Great choices but a couple i haven't seen.
    I could have added Fawlty Towers to my list, one of the funniest shows ever.

  61. My parents ran a hotel in Ireland in the 80's... we lived the Fawlty Towers life. Seriously.
    I have been told over and over that Dr. Who is awesome and I have never seen it. I think I need to make a marathon Dr. Who session happen. :)

  62. Darlene, I think Firefly is so popular because the characters and dialogue are so great..along with well written stories.

    Drake, I have too many friends who can quote almost every line from Fawlty Towers ;)

    Erin, oh my gosh!! You could write a memoir about that time in the 80s. Wow, a Dr Who marathon. That would take a while ;)

  63. Very intresting list you have there. Firefly is on so many lists I've read, and yet I've never seen an episode, guess I'm going to have to correct that.

  64. I liked the old Dr. who growing up. And everyone tells me to watch Firefly and then the follow up film Serenity. The only reason I haven't is that I cannot suffer another "canceled too soon" TV series heartbreak.

  65. Geof, it is a heartbreak :( But the show is still worth watching :)

  66. Love, Love, Love Fawlty Towers and so many others on your list! I'm going to have to check out Misfits.

  67. Witless Exposition, Fawlty Tower is such a laugh. It's a shame they made so few.


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