
Friday, September 10, 2010

Awards and Trivia

Today is a short post to thank all the lovely people who so kindly gave me an award over the last couple of weeks. It's only now I've had a chance to give you an official Thank You!

Thank you to Melissa of Melissa Getting Published for the Versatile Blogger Award.

The Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award:
1)Thank and link back to the person that gave you the award.
2)Share seven things about yourself.
3)Pass the award to fifteen bloggers that you think deserve it.
4)Lastly, contact all of the bloggers that you’ve picked for the award. 

Thank you to Dawn of Life Lines for this version of the Versatile Blogger.

The Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award:
1)Thank and link back to the person that gave you the award.
2)Share seven things about yourself.
3)Pass the award to fifteen bloggers that you think deserve it.
4)Lastly, contact all of the bloggers that you’ve picked for the award.  

Thank you to Melissa of Melissa Getting Published and Jessica of  Smile, Feel Good, Pass it On for the One Lovely Blog Award.

One Lovely Blog Award Rules:
1)Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2)Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3)Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I'm not going to do the seven things about yourself thing. But I will give a fun and intersting fact:

"Bwaarrk!" is chicken speak for "Threat approaching from the ground."
Yes, chickens have a language too.
 Fascinating huh? (I've been holding onto that for a while now wondering how I could incorporate it into a blog post - lol) Do you have any fascinating or funny trivia you'd like to share?

 I'd like to pass on these awards to those in the list below. Please feel free to pick the one award you'd like.

Erinn @ something else to distract me
Stephanie @ Hatshepsut: The Writing of a Novel
Antonette @ Write on: Exploring the Craft
Talli @ Talli Roland
Arlee @ Tossing it out
Sharon @ Random Thoughts
Jeffrey @ Jeffrey Beesler's World of the Scribe


  1. Congrats on your award, and thank you for giving me one! I appreciate it greatly!

  2. Congrats on the awards! These are all some lovely bloggers.

  3. Thanks guys. I love the writing / blogging community. Everyone is so kind and generous :)

  4. Wow, you've got some great awards there. Well deserved too!

  5. Congratulations!
    Umm... funny trivia.
    The real reason for road construction - orange barrel storage!

  6. lol Alex, you made me laugh out loud. The cat looked at me funny ;)

  7. Ohala! Thank you so much for the award- I love butterflies! And I had no idea chickens have their own language- go figure. I suppose that makes sense though!

  8. Stephanie, strange isn't it. I'd never thought about it before.

  9. Congratulations on all of the awards! And thanks for passing one along to me. :) (sweet)

    "rrrrrrrrr" in a low belly rumble is Macy (dog) for I need to go out or there's a bunny in the yard...

  10. You speak chicken! That's a great talent. Make it easier to get the freshest eggs.

    Congrats on the awards.

  11. Congratulations to you sister and to others who deserve such "blessings"! Glory be to God!

  12. Do chickens have words for 'congrats on your awards - you deserve them all!'

    They don't? I'm shocked!

  13. Well done! I have to hang my head in shame when I see awards - I haven't acknowledged any for yonks.

  14. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Lynda. I will acknowledge this on my Saturday post, which is my traditional day for recognizing awards.

    Tossing It Out

  15. Sharon, Macy is so cute. Pets have a wonderful way of communicating (most times) ;) And you are most welcome :)

    Helen, the chickens look at my funny when I try to speak their language. I don't think I have the dialect right ;)

    Natascha, thanks

  16. Rcubes, blessings to you :)

    Jemi, oh yes, they do have words for that. It's "Bwaaaaaaagrats!" (not sure if I spelled it right ;)

    Charmaine, um-ah. I felt bad because one of them I received about 2 or 3 weeks ago.

  17. Ant, you're welcome. You are a new follower so I wanted to encourage new people :) (and I love your blog)

    Arlee, you deserve it. You have such a great blog and you are a wonderful influence in the blogging community :)

  18. Oh, my, congrats on all these awards, Lynds ;) You'll have to hire someone for dusting all those awards and medals in your living room :)

  19. Best. Chicken. Trivia. EVER. I now feel compelled to share a random animal fact.

    Did you know that wild Chinchillas roll in dust to keep the oils out of their fine fur coats. It's true. I had one for 7 years (RIP, Rocky!) and I had to buy bags of ground up lava rock for him to roll in.

  20. Oh, yay! Thank you so much, Lynda! I'll take the One Lovely Blog award. :)

    Congrats to you on all these wonderful awards.

  21. COnrats on all those awards, you deserve it.


  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Lynda, congrats to you and your awardees.

  24. Congratulations on your awards, and to the other awardees! They'll sure look spiffy on your blog. ;]

  25. Dez, I need to hire someone to dust the entire house...not just the awards :)

    Jessica, hahaha. Love your Chinchilla trivia. I didn't know that.

    Talli, you deserve it!

  26. Clarissa, Rachna and Amanda, thanks so much guys :)


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